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Getting Started

Isla edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 7 revisions

Setting Up

Brain Networks In Python is written in python3 and depends on the following python modules:

If you're using anaconda note that python-louvain is not available as a conda package but can be pip installed. See the python software guide for general information on installing python packages.


If you want to try Brain Networks In Python out but don't have data of your own to work on we encourage you to use the data in the EXAMPLE_DATA folder.

Where does it come from?

It comes from the lovely NSPN_WhitakerVertes_PNAS2016 repository, created to share the data and analysis code to reproduce 'Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome' doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601745113

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