How to use:
Download files from the repository (ex. click the green Code button and download the repository as zip)
Get LuaBackend here Follow the instructions provided there. Old LuaBackend or LuaFrontend will also work if you still have them.
Pick and choose scripts to enable. Any .lua files under scripts folder will run.
Alternatively, you can use the internal version of LuaBackend. That requires patching the game .exe, but allows it to automatically work in the background without an external program. See LuaBackend documentation for more.
Note that using mods that affect a speedrun are not allowed unless specifically stated so. However, mods like SaveAnywhere or SoftReset can be utilized to reset runs faster. Unless activated, those mods do not affect the game.
Add scriptable auto splitter into your Livesplit layout, and select the .asl file for your game. Make sure you have a timer that shows game time.