An web app which user can create their own account (receive a welcome email send through Nodemailer), search for games from STEAM through a STEAM API. Then, inside the game details page, user can view the game's thumbnail, description, other users' reviews and rating fo the game. User can also give their own rating and review on the same page and if they like the game, it can be bookmark to their profile.
Check out our GameBoxd App here 👈
AS A user who loves games
I WANT a game review web app
SO THAT I can view my favorite games' details and rating, also have my account to keep track of my favorite list.
Home Page
Search Result
Game Details Page
Run this command to install dependencies
npm i
Then, use .env.EXAMPLE to set up your connection with the database.
NOTE: setup the database with the schema.sql file
Seeding the database:
npm run seed
npm run start
- bcrypt
- connect-session-sequelize
- dotenv
- express
- express-handlebars
- express-session
- mysql2
- nodemon
- sequelize
- nodemailer
- Heroku
- Node
- HTML5, CSS, TailwindCSS, JS, HandleBars
This project is licensed under the MIT license
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue. You can find more of our work at: