Ludo Online is a multiplayer web-based implementation of the classic board game Ludo, built using the MERN stack and integrated with SocketIO for real-time communication.
>> Play online here <<
>> Watch YouTube Video here <<
Maintained session consistency with Express Session and MongoDB.
Enabled real-time communication via WebSocket and SocketIO.
Maintained code reliability by implementing unit and integration tests using Mocha, Chai, and Jest.
Implemented E2E tests utilizing Cypress, addressing challenges related to testing collaboration and canvas functionality in the application.
Established a CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI, with pushing Docker container to AWS ECR and deploying to AWS ECS
Download this repository
Generate your own mongoDB atlas credential URL. It should looks like this:
Add this URL to the /backend/.env file (refer to .env.example)
Perform these commands in the main directory:
npm i
npm start
cd backend
npm i
node server.js