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rewrite parallel using openmp
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Weilei Zeng committed Apr 15, 2020
1 parent 3ae7033 commit 928057a
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Showing 2 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ itpp=${pkgs}/itpp/4.3.1/lib/ -litpp
# INC_DIR=weilei_lib
# CXX = g++ -Wall -g -m64 -std=c++0x ${opt} ${itpp}
CXX = g++ -Wall -g -m64 -std=c++11 -pthread ${opt} ${itpp}
CXX = g++ -Wall -g -m64 -std=c++11 -fopenmp ${opt} ${itpp}
CMD= -lm -lgmpxx -lgmp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ my_bp3.out:my_bp3.c $(files)
my_bp4.out:my_bp4.cpp $(files)
my_bp5.out:my_bp5.cpp $(files)
#bp_decoding3.out:bp_decoding3.c mm_read.c mm_read.h mmio.c mmio.h mm_write.c mm_write.h lib.cpp lib.h my_lib.h makefile
bp_decoding3.out:bp_decoding3.c $(files)
Expand Down
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions my_bp5.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
//Weilei Apr 6, 2020
// copied from my_bp1.c
//#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <itpp/itbase.h>
#include <itpp/itcomm.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "my_lib.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "bp_decoder.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace itpp;

// Read the code from files and do BP decoding
//input:source file for stabilzier matrix; error propability p ;

int decode( BP_Decoder, GF2mat G, GF2mat H, double p, mat * data, int col_index, int row_index, int cycles, int feedback, double time_out, int num_data_points);

int main(int argc, char **argv){
Parser parser;

string filename_G, filename_H;
Real_Timer timer; double remained_time; //remained time for each size
//vector<future<int>> pool;
int cores=32; parser.get(cores, "cores");
//vector<future<int>>::size_type pool_size = cores+2; //max number of threads, 15 with decreasing size for best performace
//std::chrono::milliseconds span (100);
//std::chrono::milliseconds final_thread_time (10000);//10 secs before prelimilary result print
string filename_data;

int feedback=5; parser.get(feedback,"feedback");
// int cycles = 1000000;//70 sec for 2,000,000
// double time_out=200;//time out in seconds for each data points (p and size)
int num_data_points = 100;//data entry for each data points
parser.get(num_data_points, "num_data_points");
//change parameter p, code size
double p;
// int sizes[]= {13,11,9,7,5};
int sizes[]= {13,9,5};
int size_of_sizes = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(*sizes);
string stabilizer_folder="data/toric/stabilizer";
double ip_begin=-0.7;
double ip_end=-1.8;
int data_rows = (ip_begin-ip_end)/0.1;
mat data(data_rows,5 * size_of_sizes ); //return result in a mat, 5 columns for each size. format defines in header

int exit_iteration=9; parser.get(exit_iteration,"exit_iteration");
int schedule_mode=4; parser.get(schedule_mode, "schedule_mode");

//split tasks into smaller chunks
int chunk_num_data_points=10;//number of data points in each chunk
int chunk_size=num_data_points/chunk_num_data_points; //number of chunks for each p and size
int chunk_num_for_each_size = chunk_size*((ip_begin-ip_end)/0.1);

//timeout should be 5 times longer in hpcc
double chunk_time_out = 100.0;//time_out/chunk_size;
int chunk_cycles=chunk_num_data_points*1000;//1000 for prob 1/1000

mat chunk_data(data_rows*chunk_size,5*5);

int col_index=-5;
for ( int size : sizes){
// cout<<"size = "<<size<<endl;
col_index +=5;//5 col for each size
filename_G = stabilizer_folder + "/toric_S_x_size_" + to_string(size) + ".mm";
filename_H = stabilizer_folder + "/toric_S_z_size_" + to_string(size) + ".mm";
//filename_result = error_folder + "/toric_S_size_" + to_string(size) + ".mm_rate";
GF2mat G =MM_to_GF2mat(filename_G);
GF2mat H =MM_to_GF2mat(filename_H);
//set up for BP_Decoder
BP_Decoder bp_decoder;
bp_decoder.set_decode_mode_str("min sum");

int row_index=-1;
for ( double ip=ip_begin;ip > ip_end;ip-=0.1){
//cout<<"ip = "<<ip<<endl;
// row_index ++;

for ( int ic=0; ic<chunk_size; ic++){
row_index ++;

//manage thread within limit of pool size
while ( pool.size() >= pool_size ){
//wait until some of them finish
for(vector <future<int>> :: iterator it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end(); ++it){
//printf("%d", *it);
if ( it->wait_for(span) == future_status::ready){
// cout<<"."<<endl;
//cout<<"remove thread. pool_size="<<pool.size()<<endl;
// future<int> fut = async(launch::async, decode,G, H, p, filename_result_p);
//pool.push_back(async(launch::async, decode, bp_decoder, G, H, p, & data,col_index, row_index, cycles, feedback, time_out, num_data_points) );
//pool.push_back(async(launch::async, decode, bp_decoder, G, H, p, & chunk_data,col_index, row_index, chunk_cycles, feedback, chunk_time_out, chunk_num_data_points) );
decode( bp_decoder, G, H, p, & chunk_data,col_index, row_index, chunk_cycles, feedback, chunk_time_out, chunk_num_data_points);

remained_time = timer.toc()/(row_index+1)*chunk_num_for_each_size;
// cout<<"my_bp: add new thread. pool_size="<<pool.size()
<<", size = "<<size
<<", p = "<<p
<<", row_index = "<<row_index<<"/"<<chunk_num_for_each_size
<<", remained time for this p is "<< remained_time <<" sec"
<<", col_index = "<<col_index
<<", chunk_cycles = "<<chunk_cycles
//finish adding all the threads and most of them are done

//wait a bit for last threads
/*for(vector <future<int>> :: iterator it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end(); ++it){

//print prelimilary result
string header="# header\n# sizes: ";
for (int size : sizes){
header += to_string(size) + ", ";
header += ("\n# p, P_c converge rate, counts_total, counts_nonconverge, timer.toc()");
// mat2gnudata(data,filename_data,header);
//cout<<"save prelimilary data to "<<filename_data.c_str()<<endl;

//wait all process to finish
/*for(vector <future<int>> :: iterator it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end(); ++it){

//process chunk_data to data
int temp_index;
double value;
for ( int i =0; i<data.rows();i++){
for ( int j = 0; j< data.cols();j++){
for ( int k =0;k<chunk_size; k++){
temp_index = i* chunk_size+k;
value += chunk_data(temp_index,j);
value = value/chunk_size;

//print final result
cout<<"save final data to "<<filename_data.c_str()<<endl;
return 0;

//*********************** bp decoding function by itpp

int decode( BP_Decoder bp_decoder, GF2mat G, GF2mat H, double p, mat * data, int col_index, int row_index, int cycles, int feedback, double time_out, int num_data_points){
//parameter setup
//int decode_mode = 2;
// int cycles=1000;//10000;//number of cycles: fro toric code, 10000 give reletively clear result
// int exit_at_iteration=9;//parameter for bp decoding set_exit_condition()
// int bound= (int) -4096 * log (p/(1-p));// -300; see note.pdf on how to choose bound
const int bound = 0;
const int max_repetition = feedback;//10 for best result. supposed to be zero in our set up, just for a check

Real_Timer timer;
const int nvar = H.cols();
//int N = C.get_nvar(); // number of bits per codeword; N=2 x n x n is the size of the toric code.

const bvec bitsin = zeros_b(nvar);//original zero vector


BSC bsc(p); // initialize BSC, error channel with probability pp

const double LLR=log( (1-p)/p);

int counts_converge=0;
int counts_nonconverge=0;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(8)
for (int i=0;i<cycles;i++){
if ( counts_nonconverge < num_data_points){
vec LLRin(nvar);
int ans=0; //the value return by bp_decoding(), which is the number of iterations and with a minus sign if it doesn't converge
//bvec rec_bits = bitsin; // input vector with manually-input errors, for test

bvec rec_bits0 = bsc(bitsin); // input vector with errors from bsc chanel
bvec rec_bits=rec_bits0;
QLLRvec llr_output;
bvec error=rec_bits;
bvec syndrome = (H*error);
//cout<<"syndrome = "<<syndrome<<endl;
LLRin = LLRin*LLR;

vec LLRout(LLRin);//default, zero syndrome give zero error
ans = bp_decoder.decode(syndrome,LLRin, LLRout);

bvec bitsout = llr_output < bound; //30;//0;//output

//enhanced feedback
int current_iteration = ans;
for (int i_iteration = 0;i_iteration<max_repetition;i_iteration++){
if (ans >0){
// usleep(100000);

LLRin = LLRout;
ans = bp_decoder.decode(syndrome,LLRin, LLRout);
// ans = bp_decoder.bp_syndrome_llr(syndrome,LLRin, LLRout);
// ans = bp_syndrome_llr(H,syndrome,LLRin, LLRout, exit_iteration, decode_mode);
bitsout = LLRout < bound;


bitsout=bitsout+rec_bits+rec_bits0;//cancel input vector
//bitsout=reduce_weight( bitsout, G);//remove trivial cycles
rec_bits=rec_bits0;//replace for compatibility for saving data

if ( current_iteration < 0 ){
//cout<<"-------------------------------make it converge after iteration."<<endl;
std::cout<<"counts_nonconverge = "<<counts_nonconverge<<std::endl;

//time control
if (timer.toc()>time_out){
std::cout<<"timeout: "<<time_out<<std::endl;
else if (counts_nonconverge == num_data_points/2){
//change number of cycles
cycles =min(cycles, i *2);
cycles=max(cycles, 50);
std::cout<<"update cycles to "<<cycles<<std::endl;
//std::cout<<i<<","<<counts_nonconverge<<", "
// << num_data_points<<std::endl;
//double rate_converge=counts_converge*1.0/cycles;
//this statistical method create an overall bias
int counts_total = counts_converge+counts_nonconverge;
double rate_converge=counts_converge*1.0/counts_total;
cout<<"Run summary: nvar = "<<nvar<<" = 2 x "<< nvar/2;
cout<<", p = "<<p;
cout<<", Converge rate ="<<rate_converge
<<", cycles = "<<cycles
<<", counts_total = "<<counts_total
<<", counts_nonconverge = "<<counts_nonconverge<<endl;
// save_result(p,rate_converge,filename_result_p);//no need to save this. can get it by counting the size of the matrix when doing gnuplot

//save result to mat data, using row_index and col_index
//data entries: p, rate

return 0;

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