Version 0.0.1 Created by John Behrens
LwcMultipleChoice is an Zend Framework 2 Module created as example of how to combine ZF2 and Doctrine.
- Zend Framework 2 (latest master)
- [ZfcUser] (latest master).
- [Doctrine-ORM-Module] (latest master).
- Provice [COMPLETE]
- User registration [COMPLETE]
- Forms protected against CSRF [COMPLETE]
- Out-of-the-box support for Doctrine2 and Zend\Db [COMPLETE]
- Registration form protected with CAPTCHA [IN PROGRESS] (Needs more options)
- Robust event system to allow for extending [IN PROGRESS]
- Support for additional authentication mechanisms via plugins (Google, Facebook, LDAP, etc) [INCOMPLETE]
- Optional E-mail address verification [INCOMPLETE]
- Forgot Password [INCOMPLETE]
- Provide ActionController plugin and view helper [INCOMPLETE]
- Install the ZfcBase ZF2 module
by cloning it into
. - Clone this project into your
Add Repositorie to Composer.json
"repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }], .... "require": { .... "lewildecode/LwcMultipleChoice" : "dev-master" .... }
Now tell composer to download ZfcUser by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update
Install the database structure data/structure.sql to your sql server
copy config/doctrine.php.dist as doctirne.php to your projects config dir and change your database details
available sites
route /testadmin is the admin channel
At the moment any ZfcUser registered user can edit at the moment, autohorization will be changed in further projects