You all get full credit for attendance last week. Fill out the assignment form
below to get attendance for today.
You guys are fine.
You have multiple options on how to develop software on Windows. This is just MY
preferred method and it works very well for CS classes you will take in the
Step 1 - Install Windows Subsystem for Linux and install your preferred Linux
Distribution (you probably want Ubuntu). Follow this Guide
Step 2 - Use Atom text editor. Install it here.
Step 3 - Install PlatformIO IDE for Atom here.
- Scroll down for the Atom install link.
- This plugin for Atom text editor will let you interface with bash within Atom. This
is completely optional, but saves you from having to open multiple windows.
The "$" is not part of the command. It there to show it's a Bash command.
$git clone http://<url>
$git add .
$git commit -m "some commit message"
$git push origin
$git log
If you are not a collaborator on a repository, you should first fork the
repository before cloning it. And, always use Pull Requests when working in
teams, so team members can check your work.
Step 1: Create a repository on Github
Step 2: Clone the repository using...
$git clone http://<url>
Step 3: Change directory into your project.
$cd ./your_project_name
Step 3: Make changes to repository. Get to Work!
Step 4: Add changes to stage.
$git add .
Step 5: Commit changes to local repository.
$git commit -m "commit message"
Step 6: Push changes to remote repository (Github).
$git push origin
Google what you want to do in HTML/CSS, your question has usually been asked
<link href="..." />
<script src="..."/>
<tagname property="value" property="value"></tagname>
<tagname property="value" property="value"/>
// CSS
selector {
property: value;
property: value;
Create a website using or within your own filesystem.
It should have the following:
- Some type of Header
- Some type of unordered list or ordered list
- A paragraph
- A picture
- Some CSS Styles
If you don't know how to do something Google it, or look at this for reference