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Warwick Maths Society Website

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This is the official website for the Warwick Maths Society.

You can add posts or request changes by making a fork of the main branch and opening a pull request.

The sources for the essay, module review, exec, etc., pages can be found in the _pages directory.


This website was originally developed, built, and maintained by Kit Liu in the summer of 2024, with various content contributions (module reviews, essays, etc.) from the wider WMS community.

General maintenance has since been taken over by the Publications Officer(s) -- currently Alfie Giffen and Ekaterina Leksina.


Thank you for looking in to contributing!

You do not need to install anything to contribute. However, you will not be able to preview your changes, and you should indicate in your pull request that this is the case by checking the second box in the last section of the pull request template:

  • I have built and tested these changes locally or otherwise, and confirm that they work and don't break existing functionality.
  • I have not built these changes locally or otherwise, and require someone to review these changes for me.

Previewing Changes

If you would like to preview your changes locally, you will need to install Ruby and Jekyll in order to build your site locally.


  1. Install Ruby.

    • Run ridk install on the last step of the installer and choose MSYS2 and MINGW development toolchain when prompted.

    • Alternatively, you can use WinGet:

      winget install RubyInstallerTeam.RubyWithDevKit.3.2

      or chocolatey:

      choco install ruby2.devkit

      if you already have a package manager.

  2. Install RubyGems by running

    gem update --system
  3. Open a new terminal and run:

    gem install jekyll bundler
  4. Verify that your installation is working by running:

    jekyll -v


  1. Install the version manager chruby and ruby-install with:

    brew install chruby ruby-install
  2. Install the latest version of Ruby supported by Jekyll with:

    ruby-install ruby 3.3.5
  3. Then configure your terminal to use chruby with:

    echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
    echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
    echo "chruby ruby-3.3.5" >> ~/.zshrc # run 'chruby' to see actual version
  4. Open a new terminal and run:

    gem install jekyll bundler
  5. Verify that your installation is working by running:

    jekyll -v

VSCode Setup

  1. Install the Jekyll Run extension.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P and type in Jekyll until the following commands appear:
    • Run Jekyll: Build;
    • Run Jekyll: Run.
  3. In the Output panel, you should see the site building. After a short delay (usually 8-12 seconds), you should be able to see your site live at localhost:4000.

If you would like to use the Tasks feature to build your site, add:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Start Jekyll",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "bundle exec jekyll serve --host localhost --port 4000",
            "group": {
            "kind": "build",
            "isDefault": true

to your tasks.json.

Building the site through the task will display more error information than using the extension, so if something is going wrong, give this a try.

If you are running into problems with ruby, try deleting your Gemfile.lock file and running:

bundle install

⚠️ When editing your post/review/other page contribution, make sure that you are editing a .md source file, and not an .html file generated by Jekyll.

Module Reviews

The module review page may be found here.

Each module review will look something like this:

<!-- -->
<div class="card-header" id="headingMAXYZ">
  <h2 class="m-0">
    <button class="btn btn-link btn-block text-left" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseMAXYZ" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseMAXYZ" id="MAXYZ"
      <large><a href="#MAXYZ">MAXYZ Module Name</a></large>
<div id="collapseMAXYZ" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingMAXYZ" data-parent="#accordionY3maths">
  <div class="card-body">
    <large class="text-muted">YY/YY</large>
    review here
<!-- -->

with empty comment lines marking the boundaries of each review.

If a review does not already exist:

  1. Replace the review here line with the review. See existing reviews for formatting conventions.
  2. Delete the disabled attribute from the button (which is helpfully written on a separate line).

⚠️ Do not remove the closing angle bracket (>); just move this to the end of the line above to keep things neat.

If a review already exists:

  1. Add two new lines (<br/>) above the year line of the highest older review at the top of the list.
  2. Stack the new review on top (including adding a copy of the year line), formatting the new review as usual.

That is:

<div id="collapseMAXYZ" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingMAXYZ" data-parent="#accordionY3maths">
  <div class="card-body">
    <large class="text-muted">22/23</large>
    This is my old review. It is old.

should turn into:

<div id="collapseMAXYZ" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingMAXYZ" data-parent="#accordionY3maths">
  <div class="card-body">
    <large class="text-muted">23/24</large>
    This is my new review. It is new.
    <large class="text-muted">22/23</large>
    This is my old review. It is old.

Book Reviews/Recommendations

The main book review page may be found here. The classification subpages may be found here.

Each book review will look something like this:

<p class="line-height: 10%">
    <strong>Book Title</strong> <!-- Book title -->
    <span class="text-muted">John Smith, Sarah Jones</span> <!-- Author -->
    <!-- <a href="">Online link</a> --> <!-- Uncomment if online copy is available -->
    <span class="text-muted"><i>Prerequisites:</i></span>

Review here.
  1. Copy this template to the appropriate file and fill in the review.

  2. If reviews already exist, separate the new review from existing ones using a horizontal rule (three hyphens alone on a line, with blank lines above and below). That is,

    <p class="line-height: 10%">
        <strong>The Iliad</strong>
        <span class="text-muted">Homer, Samuel Butler</span>
        <a href="">Online link</a>
        <span class="text-muted"><i>Prerequisites: Some knowledge of ancient Greek literature.</i></span>
    Homer's Iliad centers on a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles during the last year of the Trojan War.

    should turn into:

    <p class="line-height: 10%">
        <strong>The Iliad</strong>
        <span class="text-muted">Homer, Samuel Butler</span>
        <a href="">Online link</a>
        <span class="text-muted"><i>Prerequisites: Some knowledge of ancient Greek literature.</i></span>
    Homer's Iliad centers on a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles during the last year of the Trojan War.
    <p class="line-height: 10%">
        <strong>The Odyssey</strong> <!-- Book title -->
        <span class="text-muted">Homer</span> <!-- Author -->
        <a href="">Online link</a>
        <span class="text-muted"><i>Prerequisites: A first course on classical antiquity and the Hellenistic period.</i></span>
    The Odyssey begins after the end of the ten-year Trojan War, from which Odysseus, king of Ithaca, has still not returned because he angered Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Essay Contributions

To contribute your essay

  1. Rename your essay file in the following format:

    [mark] - [full essay name].pdf

⚠️ Your file must be a PDF.

  1. Copy it into assets/essays-2 or assets/essays-3, depending on whether it is a second or third year essay.

  2. Navigate to the essay page.

  3. In the appropriate table, add the following lines:

      <td><a target="_blank" href="./assets/essays-[2|3]/[mark] - [full essay name].pdf">[full essay name]</a></td>

    replacing each field as required.


ℹ️ This section should only be relevant to Exec or other authorised persons; pull requests for unauthorised posts will be closed without discussion.

The template for new posts ( can be found here, and quick reference sheets for markdown/kramdown can be found here (or live). New posts should be placed in the _posts directory (i.e. the same folder as the post template).

Rename your copy of the template post in the following format YYYY-MM-DD-<name>.md, and see the included instructions for more details.

Place any files that need to be hosted on the site itself in the assets directory, preferably in a sensibly named subdirectory.

⚠️ Look to future-proofing your file naming/storage system; if it is likely that similar files will be continue to be uploaded for several years (i.e. talk slides), then consider adding a subsubdirectory indicating the year, or otherwise organising your file(s) in a sensible way.

To access your files in a post, you can use ../ to go up a level in a relative path (which you will need to do, as posts are in a separate directory). You must also wrap any paths/file names that include spaces with angle brackets:

... to see my awesome file, click [here](<../assets/myfiles/my file name with spaces.pdf>).

To link to a post, or other content generated by Jekyll, use the the following post_url liquid filter:

... see our other post [here]({% post_url 2024-01-01-post name %}).

⚠️ Remember to remove the .md file extension for post links.

For non-post links, use the link liquid filter:

... see our module reviews [here]({% link _pages/ %}).

⚠️ Keep the .md file extension for non-post links.

ℹ️ These filters also work in HTML: <a href="{% link _pages/ %}">here</a>.

Please also tag your posts with some or all of the following:

Tag <year> events updates talks sport
For all posts socials, circles, competitions elections, ball, WIMP weekly talks sport