This repository is the entire collection of all of the projects I have completed in CS2511 Software Analysis and Design
This class required the use of Netbeans 12.0 (at least that's what I used, I think). I later switched to newer versions, and it seemed to work, but functionality is not guaranteed with any other IDE or version. (A classmate of mine struggled with Intellej and I had issues with VS Code with Java extensions)
One project requires android studio, and one you can run and test in your browser (the JavaScript one).
Labs are shorter and easier assignments, wheras Assignments are usually much longer and more complicated.
I have tried to utilize branches to show off how each project built on the last, however, some have no correlation (JavaFX lab/assignment for example).
The commit messages and branch names might be messed up, due to me creating, commiting, and pushing each project to its own repository, however, in the interest of clarity, and for organization for future projects, I decided to put it all into one repo.
To run the program, right click on various test files, and click test file
. The files that you should click on will be in each branches README.