Network library is an utility library that can be used to retrieve your public ip, check your ports are opened, receive events when you are disconnected from internet and much more.
npm install @winkgroup/network
import Network from '@winkgroup/network';
const network = Network.get();
// this will work only if you periodically run "cron" method as described below
network.emit( 'online', () => console.log('you are online') );
network.emit( 'offline', () => console.log('you are offline') );
* Required to dynamically detect if you are connected or not.
* This can be useful when you want your application is running on a laptop or any other device that
* can lost internet connection (like some poor hosting services) and react based on that
setInterval( () => {
}, 1000);
-> static async findFirstAvailablePort(startingPort: number, host: string, excluded?: number[]) => number | null
find the find the first ip that is not a loopback interface
-> static async getPublicBaseUrl(publicBaseUrlTemplate: string, inputOptions?: Partial<{ force: boolean; port: number }>)
const network = Network.get()
// supposing your publicIp is
async function printEndpoint() {
const publicBaseUrl = await network.getPublicBaseUrl('https://{{IP}}:{{PORT}}', { port: 8080 });
console.log('my endpoint will be', publicBaseUrl + '/myService'); //
get your public ip using
helper function to expose this functions as endpoints in a web service. Here the list (endpoint => function name):
- GET /info => getInfo you can run testWebservice and check the code to have an idea of how it can work:
npm run testWebservice
you will need ts-node-dev installed
you can check on localhost( host = ), remote hosts or public interfaces
is required to be in dependencies, not just a devDependencies beacause typeRouter
is required in js built script- network uses WiNKgroup console-log to manage messages like when you are online or not. You can manage how much verbose you want to be or if need to write those messages on a file overwriting consoleLog attribute:
import Network from '@winkgroup/network';
import ConsoleLog from '@winkgroup/console-log';
Network.consoleLog = new ConsoleLog({ prefix: 'MyPreciousLog' });