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Added some dependendcy files in TECMD parameter estimation example
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Dhammika Widanalage authored and Dhammika Widanalage committed Nov 16, 2021
1 parent 6cfcdac commit d84eda7
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Showing 7 changed files with 126 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/EstECMPara.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
% Estimate the parameters of an ECM. Postive current is assumed as
% discharge
% W.D. Widanage 07/01/2016 (Fade to Black)
% W.D. Widanage 21/12/2018 (Aint my ****)
% W.D. Widanage 21/12/2018

p = inputParser; % Create an input parse object to handle positional and property-value arguments

Expand Down
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/Lls.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
function [theta,results] = Lls(K,Z,varargin)
% Computes a numerically stable (weighted) linear leaast squares estimate
% and returns the optimal estimate, its variance and an estimate of the
% noise variance. Parameters will be non-unique if K is rank deficient.
% Inputs (mandatory):
% K: Regresor matrix, size n x m
% Z: Output vector, size n x 1
% Inputs (optional):
% ny: Output noise vector, std of output noise for weighted least
% squares, size n x 1. default ny = ones(n,1);
% plotFit: Set plot as 1 or zero to look at the fitted vs data
% Outputs:
% theta: Optimum parameter estimate, size m x 1
% results: Structure variable with following fields
% - paraVar: Variance estimate of theta, size m x 1
% - paraCov: Parameter covariance matrix size m x m
% - noiseVar: Estimate of noise variance, size 1 x 1
% - resVec: Residual vector, size n x 1
% - resNorm: 2 norm of residual vector, size 1 x 1
% - regMsg: Message stating rank of regressor
% - regRankFull: A flag with value 0 or 1 if regressor is rank deficient or not.
% Copyright (C) W. D. Widanage - WMG, University of Warwick, U.K. 11-02-2012-12/01/2016 (Through the never)
% All Rights Reserved
% Software may be used freely for non-comercial purposes only

Z = Z(:); % Vectorise
parObj = inputParser; % Create an input parse object to handle positional and property-value arguments

% Create variable names and assign default values after checking the value
addRequired(parObj,'K', @isnumeric);
addRequired(parObj,'Z', @isnumeric);

% Optional parameters

% Re-parse parObj

K = parObj.Results.K;
Z = parObj.Results.Z;
ny = parObj.Results.ny;
plotFit = parObj.Results.plotFit;

% Weight matrix
W = spdiags(1./ny,0,length(ny),length(ny));

%Multiply by weights
Z = W*Z;
K = W*K;

%Normalise K with the 1/norm of each column
Knorm = sqrt(sum(abs(K).^2));
idxZeros = Knorm<1E-14;
Knorm(idxZeros) = 1;
N = diag(1./Knorm);
Kn = K*N;

%Compute Lls via economic SVD decompostion
[U, S, V] = svd(Kn,0); % Perform SVD
ss = diag(S); % Singular values
idxZeros = ss < 1E-14; % Replace any small singular value with inf
nCol = size(Kn,2);
if sum(idxZeros)>0 % If there are zero singular values sum(idxZeros) > 0 and regressor is rank deficient
results.regMsg = sprintf('Estimated parameters are NON-UNIQUE.\n Lls regressor is rank defficient. Rank = %d instead of %d. \nParameters estimated from a subspace.',nCol-sum(idxZeros),nCol);
fprintf('\nEstimated parameters are NON-UNIQUE.\nRegressor rank defficient. Rank = %d instead of %d. \nParameters estimated from a subspace.\n\n',nCol-sum(idxZeros),nCol)
results.regRankFull = 0;
results.regMsg = sprintf('Estimated parameters are unique.\nRegressor preserves full rank. Rank = %d.',nCol);
results.regRankFull = 1;
ss(idxZeros) = inf;
Sv = diag(1./ss); %Inverse singular value matrix

% Least squares solution
theta = N*V*Sv*U'*Z;
% cond(N*V*Sv*U')

%Projection matrix and residuals
P = (eye(length(Z))-U*(U')); % Projection matrix
R = P*Z; % Residuals

%Estimate of noise and parameter variance
if ismember('ny',parObj.UsingDefaults) % If measurement variance is not provided estiamte via residuals
results.noiseVar = ((R')*R)/real(trace(P)); % Noise variance
results.paraCov = (N')*V*Sv*Sv*(V')*N*results.noiseVar; % Parameter covariance
else % Else no need to estimate noise variance
results.noiseVar = []; % Noise variance
results.paraCov = (N')*V*Sv*Sv*(V')*N; % Parameter covariance

if plotFit
Zm = K*theta;
plot([1:length(Z)]',Zm,'. -',[1:length(Z)]',Z,'o-');
xlabel('Index (-)'); ylabel('Model and Measured')
results.paraVar = diag(results.paraCov); % Parameter variance
results.resVec = R; % Residual vector
results.resNorm = norm(R); % Residual norm

Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/TECMD_Prototype.slx
Binary file not shown.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/modelFit.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function results = modelFit(x,y)
% Compute the RMSE, Pk error and goodness of fit for a simulated (x) and
% measured signal (y)
% Copyright (C) W. D. Widanage - WMG, University of Warwick, U.K. 08/11/2019 (Mama Said)
% All Rights Reserved
% Software may be used freely for non-comercial purposes only

x = x(:);
y = y(:);
error = x-y;
results.RMSE = sqrt(mean(error.^2,'omitnan'));
results.PkErr = max(abs(x-y));
results.gof = max([0, 1 - (results.RMSE^2/var(y,'omitnan'))]);
Binary file modified Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/optParameters_TECMD_LGM50.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Examples/parameterEstimation_TECMD/paraOptim_ThreeStep_V.mlx
Binary file not shown.

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