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Shelter is a landing page that helps you give a chance to a small and cute puppy or kitten with a very wide and open heart. He or she will love you more than anyone else in the world, you'll see!


📋 Task: Rolling Scopes School

🏞️ Layout in figma: Link

💻 Deploy: Link

Technology stack



➖ JavaScript (ES6)

➖ PerfectPixel

➖ Webpack 5


Burger menu:

  • Implementation of burger menu on both pages.

  • If the page width is less than 768px,the navigation bar is hidden and the burger icon appears.

  • When you click on the burger icon, a 320px wide adaptive menu smoothly appears on the right, the burger icon smoothly rotates 90 degrees.

  • The links in the adaptive menu work by providing smooth scrolling through the anchors.

  • When clicking on a link in the adaptive menu the adaptive menu is smooth, also hiding the menu happens if you make a click outside this window.

  • When you tap again on the burger-icon or on the space free from the burger-menu, the adaptive menu smoothly hides moving away behind the right side of the screen, the burger icon smoothly rotates back by 90 degrees.

  • When clicking on any link (interactive or non-interactive) in the menu, the adaptive menu smoothly hides to the right, the burger icon rotates back 90 degrees.

  • The area free of burger menus is getting dark.

  • The page under the burger menu does not scroll.

Slider carousel:

  • Clicking on the arrows moves to a new block of elements.

  • The blocks are changed with a carousel animation.

  • The slider is infinite, meaning you can click left or right infinitely many times, and each time will scroll that way with a new set of cards.

  • Switching left or right scrolls exactly as many cards as are shown at the current screen width (3 for 1280px, 2 for 768px, 1 for 320px).

  • When you change the screen width (from 1280px to 320px and back), the slider rebuilds and works without reloading the page.


  • When reloading the page, the first page of pagination is always opened.

  • Pressing the > or < buttons opens the next or previous pagination page, respectively.

  • Pressing the >> or << buttons will open the last or first page of pagination, respectively.

  • When opening the first page, the << and < buttons are inactive.

  • When opening the last page, the > and >> buttons are inactive.

  • The current page number is shown in the center of the circle. When you switch pages, the number changes to the current page number.

  • When changing the screen width (from 1280px to 320px and back), the pagination is rebuilt and works without reloading the page.


  • Implemented popup on both pages.

  • The part of the page outside the popup is blacked out.

  • When you open a popup, the vertical scroll of the page becomes inactive, when you close it, it becomes active again.

  • When clicking on the area around the popup or on the button with a cross, the popup closes, but nothing happens when clicking on the popup itself.


  • The application elements optimally occupy the page space.
  • The app displays correctly on both computer and mobile devices.

Run the project locally:

To start working on the project on your local machine, please, make sure that you install Git and Node.js LTS.

Steps to start:

  • Clone repository.
  • Open the project locally.
  • Switch to the dev-page branch.
  • Run npm install or npm i - to install all packages needed.
  • Run npm run start - to starts a local dev-server (The tab will open automatically in the browser).
  • Run npm run dev - build the project for development.
  • Run npm run prod - build the project for production.