400+ ASCII fun ASCII cows
This is a fork of the work done by:
MIT © Sindre Sorhus
- Docker does not need Node.js to be installed on your computer.
- Pass the cow number between 1-423 that you want to view.
- Kind of like Whalesay
Plus the ASCII cows assembled by Sindre Sorhus are really fun.
Run the image straight from the Docker Hub:
If this is the first run, then Docker will pull
the image from the Hub.
$ docker run alexellis2/cows 423
(__) (oo)
(oo) ______\/
-\/ /| |
| | * |______|
| | ||
--- --
Cow Computer
Build the image:
docker build -t cows .
Push the image to your own Hub
First build the image, then log into the Docker Hub, tag the image with your username, then push.
$ docker login
$ docker tag cows some_username/cows
$ docker push some_username/cows
$ git clone https://github.com/alexellis/cows-docker
$ npm install
$ node ./show_cow.js 0
Enter cow number between [1-423]
$ node ./show_cow.js 423
(__) (oo)
(oo) ______\/
-\/ /| |
| | * |______|
| | ||
--- --
Cow Computer
Start a blank node.js project with a default package.json
$ mkdir meadow
$ cd meadow
$ npm init -y
Then install the showcows
$ npm install --save showcows
$ var cows = require('showcows');
$ console.log(cows(1))
(__) (oo)
(oo) ______\/
-\/ /| |
| | * |______|
| | ||
--- --
Cow Computer
If you'd like to contribute cow ASCII please head over to sindresorhus/cows and raise a PR with him.
I'm open to contributions to this repository - if you'd like to add an cows-based express.js web-server etc, then please send an PR.
Contributing ideas:
- Express.js RESTFUL api to give back numbered / random cows
- docker-compose file
- .travis.yml build
MIT © Alex Ellis
This is a fork of the work done by:
MIT © Sindre Sorhus