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Icon cl-sucker

CI platform support

Sucker's single file binary creator.

How to use?

sucker <include-directory> <executable-file>


    lnx-sucker ./supergame/ ./supergame/bin/run

    mac-sucker ./supergame/ ./supergame/bin/run

    win-sucker.exe ./somevirus/ ./somevirus/diddle.exe

You will get a file named puker in the current directory, send that file to your users, then they will be happy.

Where to download?

The higher number suffix, the higher suckabilities and much more suckfulness.

How it works?

  1. Suck

    Loads everything in the include-directory recursively into memory, and dump itself as an executable lisp image.

  2. Puke

    Writes everything loaded to the local disk, and execute the executable-file set when sucking.

Is it free?

You know, this cl-sucker mechanism sucks, so you just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.

This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, you really SHOULD NOT use it unless you can't find any other better alternatives.

Will it fuck up my users' computer?

It depends on you.

The only shits puked out by cl-sucker is located at:

(defparameter *cl-sucker-dir*
  #+darwin "~/.local/rekcus/cache/"
  #+linux "~/.local/share/rekcus/cache/"
  #+win32 "~/AppData/Local/rekcus/cache/")

The generated executable is sooooooo big!

That should be called 'Super Cool':

Heap exhausted?

That means you are sucking to many files, please try the 1024 or higher version, they got higher suckabilities, and much more suckfulness.

Advanced usage?

You can write your own hooks:

  1. after-suck
  2. after-puke

Check ordinary-sucker for more details.

Put your code in a file called holy-sucker.lisp in the same directory with sucker, and it will be loaded automatically.

There are also two ENVs you can use:

# VERBOSE MODE, default: True, set it to FALSE to disable verbose mode
# HOLY FILE location, default: holy-sucker.lisp, set it to any file you want

Supreme usage?

You do not actually need to download the binary sucker, write your own holy-sucker.lisp, and in the same directory:

sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload 'your-awesome-shit)" \
     --eval "(ql:quickload 'cl-sucker)" \
     --eval "(cl-sucker:entry)"

How to build?

git clone ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-sucker

sbcl --disable-debugger \
     --eval "(ql:quickload 'cl-sucker)" \
     --eval "(asdf:make :cl-sucker)"

file ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-sucker/sucker

Lisp Caution