Memory-match Public
This is a memory card game built with React and TypeScript, where players test their ability to remember and match pairs of cards. The application supports both light and dark themes, allowing user…
TypeScript UpdatedMar 12, 2025 -
Traveling-salesman-website Public
This web app visualizes and solves Traveling Salesman Problem with various algorithms, making it invaluable for students, researchers, and professionals in optimization.
Beauty-lab Public
Rest api application with Java Spring Boot framework and Vue js on client.
HTML UpdatedApr 11, 2022 -
HTML-WayUp Public
Adaptive page for WayUp course https://vinogradovad.github.io/HTML-WayUp/
HTML UpdatedDec 4, 2021 -
Yandex-training-alg-2.0 Public
Algorithms tasks by Yandex.
Program which analyse population of the country and do predictions.
Java UpdatedAug 23, 2021 -
Algorithms and data structures tasks.