#Class Logistics, Norms and Expectations
- Welcome!
- With Ignition, you are taking control of your education and career
- Class timing
- Mon/Thurs 6-7:30pm we are all accountable. After that its open
- Lectures alternating Tues/Wed 6-645pm
- You must always be on time
- All classes are at spark
- Office hours 4-6pm before class on Thursdays (Kelton)
- Grading policy
- This isn’t school, we want everyone to learn a lot. There is no accredited finishing point where we want everyone to be. Teams will be grouped with similar skill level.
- We will be assessing your work weekly for completion, and then providing a full report to companies on your competency and effort levels at the end of class. Motivation is directly to yourself and getting the internship.
- Think of this as an extended interview
- Assignments
- Expected to complete all required assignments
- No need to talk about cheating. You are here for your own benefit, and your professional reputation is on the line.
- Coding is walking on the shoulders of giants, not re-inventing the wheel. Learn to read, understand, and copy other’s code so you can build something even more awesome.
- Workload
- 3-10 hrs of homework dependent on previous experience, work habits, and how much you want to get out of this class
- In and out of class you are going to be doing hard work
- Intangibles
- teamwork, attitude, passion, persistence, project management, learning
- Mentors
- Companies
- Networking
- Using Slack
- Main communication tool
- Recommend desktop client and mobile app
- Briefly explain channels
- Feedback
- We are learning too
- Extra credit for finding any errors in our repos and sending us a pull request to fix them
- retrospectives
- Names
- Introduce teachers
- Everyone introduce themselves
- Name
- Major
- Where are you from?
- Why are you here?
- Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament
- Problem Solving Workflow
- Google it! Spend at least 5 minutes searching the web, trying different queries. (StackOverflow.com, Developer.Mozilla.org, and GitHub.com are your friends. W3Schools.com isn’t, just reference W3Fools.com)
- Slack your classmates. Try the “#questions” channel first. Search the channel first to see if the question has already come up. If not, go ahead and ask it!
- Slack your instructors and TAs.
- GitHub Assignment Expectations
- assignments are graded out of your GitHub repo
- fork the IgnitionBoulder/2015week1 repo
- all of your work for the first week can be done in GitHub (no need to clone, unless you want to)
- SublimeText, the browser, and command line can help
- only modify/add files in the deliverables folder. Include everything on the README.md in that folder: links, images, content, even links to other files in that folder that you want us to see.
- all assignments are due by class on Monday 6pm (must be committed to your repo on GH)
- assignments are graded for effort, competence, and improvement
- if you don’t finish everything by Monday, it’s still possible to get credit by turning it in by that Thursday, or any time before the end of the course
- next week we will start using Cloud9 for dev env with Rails