Repository for the first Week of Spring 2015 Ignition curriculum and assignments
- Visit
- Click the "Fork" button, and accept and confirm steps
- Your repo will now be at
- Go to your repo and enter your answers in the file at deliverables/
- Please note there are two files called READMEN. Your answers go in the one under deliverables/
- What is the role of HTML in a web page?
- What is the role of CSS in a web page?
- What is the role of Javascript in a web page?
- Read the main description from the Odin Project
- Read the main description from the Odin Project
- 10 minutes video about browser developer tools
- Why do we separate HTML and CSS?
- What are classes and IDs (and how are they different)?
- What are elements?
- What are tags?
- What are attributes?
- What are forms?
- What is a div?
What are selectors?
What are properties?
What are values?
How do CSS styles for a particular element get inherited? ie. how does an element get its "default" styles?
What are two CSS attributes you can change to push an element around on the page?
What are the three different ways to include CSS in your project or use CSS to style a particular element?
Complete the Codecademy HTML/CSS track.
Watch this Code Player Walkthrough of how to build the Android Logo. Make the android logo look like the following image (as close to as possible) by tweaking the code yourself on the linked to page:
Watch this Treehouse video on forms at 1.5-2x speed.
- HTML Dog HTML Beginner Tutorial
- HTML Dog CSS Beginner Tutorial
- HTML Dog CSS Intermediate Tutorial
- OverAPI's HTML Cheat Sheet
- OverAPI's CSS Cheat Sheet
Getting Started with jQuery Mobile Code School Discover Dev-tools
- What is Git?
- What is SCM?
- What is a VCS?
- Why is Git useful for a developer?
- Why is Git useful for a team of developers?
- How do you create a new Git repository for a project locally?
- How do you create it on Github?
- How do you commit changes?
- What is the difference between staging and committing changes?
- What is the difference between committing your changes and pushing them to Github?
- What is the command to check the status of your current repo in git?
- What is the command to see the history of your previous commits (from the command line)? What are a few interesting variations (sets of options)?
- How can you look through your historical commits on the Github website?
- What is a "Merge"?
- What is a "Pull Request"?
- What is "Forking" a repo?
- What is "Cloning" a repo?
- What is VCS?
- What is Git?
- Get Going?
- The Basics of Git and GitHub
- Try Git exercises
- Git Branching Game - Lesson 1