online resume maker
Markup and Down is an simple fullstack application that allows you to create a resume with markdown.
- Author: Victor Chao
- web page:
- Custom markdown converter
- Preview resume result in real time
- Download your resume to PDF file
- User SignUp & SingIn
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- React
- node.js
- express
- gitHub Actions
- Docker
- node installed
run the application in the local.
- clone this repo
- add .env file for DB connection in "backend" folder
npm install
: Install npm packagenodemon index.js
: start the backend server
- add .env file
REACT_APP_API_URL = "http://localhost:3003"
- add .env.production file for production url in "frontend" folder
npm install
: Install npm packagenpm start
: Start the frontend page
- move to the folder which has docker-compose.yml file.
- Run docker-compose with the following command
- add the -d will run the container in the background
docker-compose up -d
- Check the docker container status with the following command
docker-compose ps
info: By default, docker-compose up will use the existing images for your services if they already exist.
- Rebuild with the following command if the image need to rebuild
docker-compose up --build
warning: Docker-compose.yml should contain the env_file setting otherwise the .env file on the ec2-instance will not be usee in the docker container.
- simply push the commit to the ec2_testing branch and everything will works automatically.
- axios
- jspdf
- html2canvas
- antd
- express
- @uiw/react-codemirror
- react-draggable
- increase the rerender speed when typing
- custom CSS setting feature for user
- This is a personal project for practicing full-stack development; it has no commercial use.
- The link will be unavailable if the 1-year aws free tier limit is reached