Jefferson County Animal Services Intake Data Analysis
The project analyses Jefferson County Animal Services intakes based on indate by focusing on the years surrounding March 2020, when Covid-19 was detected in the U.S. The indate indicates the date the animal enters the Jefferson County Animal Services system. The years for the visualization graph are 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Did the animal intakes in 2020 reflect the upsurge of animal adoptions during Covid-19?
Data Source: Disclaimer The data source continues to update its information often, if data is retrieved directly from the source it will not match with the indate date used for this project. You can still use the project and update the data as needed. This project was intended for educational purpose only and new update in the future are expected. That will include a visual with indate and outdate numbers.
This project contains the following, as expectations for a passing status:
Uploaded your GitHub repository:
Via Git and with a minimum of 5 separate commits
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Follow each link to install Git and/or Git Hub on your local computer
To clone this repo into your local computer:
Open Git(Bash) and run the following git clone
Include a files:
This link is a guide to markdown
The must include:
An overview of what the project is about
Packages installations to run the project:
requirements.txt file contain the following:
The local computer contains Python version 3.9.7 in this project also, Windows11 version 21H2 and Anaconda
3+ features/categories to meet passing status:
Category 1:
Create a list Populate the list with several values, retrieve at least one value, and use it in your program
Category 2:
Utilize External Data Read data from an external file, such as CSV
Category 3:
Data Display Visualize data in a graph
Category 4:
Best Practices Utilize a virtual environment and a requirements.txt file(to document library dependencies)
"Stretch" feature/categories 5:
Use a Jupyter notebook to document your data analysis
Any special instructions required to run the project
Python environments
On macOS or Unix
Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv env
Activate virtual environment: source env/bin/activate
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following code to start the program: python3
On Windows
Create a virtual environment: py -m venv env
Activate virtual environment: env\Scripts\activate
Install requirements: py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following code to start the program: py
Anaconda environment.yml