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Code Questions Bot made-with-python & Tweepy

contributions welcome Open Source Love png3

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Vicki wrote this about Building the Code Question Bot


Have fun & meet other devs while learning and helping each other learn.

Screeenshot of tweets by @codeQBot "What does API Stand for" and "What is exception handling? why use it?"


If you would like to contribute, feel free to make a pull request.

First time? I suggest starting with adding a question to Check out issue #5 for more details.

If you need more of a step-by-step, skim through this article about making your first contribution.

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Who Has Contibuted?

All contributions are greatly appreciated.

image of contributors generated by pulling from

Reference Stuff

Why are you doing it like this?

I could streamline this bot a lot by using txt files as input. However, one of the goals of this bot is to help Code Newbies get their first open source contributions. I want people to have the chance to make simple changes while actually learning the process of how git is working.