The ViaVersionAddons organization is a collection of additions to the Via* plugins which are made by the community. Below, you can find an overview of the projects to find the one that suits your exact needs.
Plugins which can be used with ViaProxy to enhance the experience of the players.
Multi Launch | No Local Connections | RakNet Providers | Spark Integration | |
Feature | Launch another jar file in combination with ViaProxy | An example ViaProxy plugin denying connections to local servers | Adds multiple alternative RakNet backends | ViaProxy plugin which implements the spark profiler |
Plugins which fix various issues with ViaVersion which are not fixed in the main plugin itself.
Smithing Support | Chat Fixer | Potion Fixer | |
Feature | Makes Smithing Tables work in all versions | Allow 1.11+ players to have longer chat messages on 1.8-1.10 servers with ViaVersion | Translates thrown potions for old clients |
Requires | Backend Server (Paper, Spigot, Bukkit) | Backend Server (Paper, Spigot, Bukkit) + VV | ViaRewind or ProtocolSupport |
Backwards extensions | LegacyAPICompat | ViaVanillaPlus | ProtocolSupportCompat | |
Feature | Backports textures to enhance the ViaBackwards experience | Makes plugins using the legacy ViaVersion API working | Handles protocol changes in Vanilla+ mods, intended as an addon to ViaFabricPlus | Plugin to make ViaVersion run alongside ProtocolSupport |
Requires | Client | ViaVersion 5.0.0+ | Fabric client + ViaFabric or ViaFabricPlus | ProtocolSupport |
Made by all contributors with ❤️
Managed by, reach out to them if you want to join the organization or have any questions.