released this
18 Apr 10:00
Adding ping of redis into healthcheck 18df8a3
Removing sync.Map in favor of Redis storage 45ac804
Adding more question for captcha 43db78b
Adding github rate limit metrics exposure bec6103
Adding pushgateway metrics push 308d8b2
Reverting support for prefix, semver strict only 119ef7f
(semver) Adding support for long prefix for linkerd notably d7c4fb0
Removing extra println and static pattern in form b965ff4
Fixing generate token type 0b0abbd
Fixing name of repository_version index e2eb971
Bumping chart for improved flagger configuration f45da0f
(deps) bump from 2.6.12 to 2.6.13 cd07894
(deps) Updating cron usage 41eab72
(deps) bump from 1.16.5 to 1.16.6 831b586
(deps) bump from 8.8.0 to 8.8.2 5e51307
Bumping chart version 24c73e3
Fixing spaces 1199b0d
Bumping chart for removing rate limiting 3694ed3
Refactoring and harmonizing GitHub Action workflows 9595c86
Conditionning docker step with the presence of docker credentials 308570a
Renaming token to redis and handling distributed lock d8bf582
Updating github token format 7f6a5c4
Adding /ready endpoint documentation e2d3a4b
(deps) bump from 1.16.4 to 1.16.5 9c3d933
Updating chart version for pointing new health endpoint abb90aa
Using new httpjson.Read function b80fa41
(deps) bump from 2.6.11 to 2.6.12 d72dc96
(deps) bump from 1.16.3 to 1.16.4 1332410
Updating yaml format with prettier 59438e9
Bumping chart to 0.0.62 1f2391d
Removing obsolete stuff 9d7d36b
Bumping charts version for fixing labels 9b16179
Removing affinity c9f8514
Fix topology key indentation cfcd6d4
Adding podAffinity for app and database 406a040
Changing metrics for notifier a55a8e6
(deps) bump from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3 37295c0
(deps) bump from 2.6.10 to 2.6.11 df8506a
Renaming yml to yaml ba32afd
Adding file db78796
Renaming file for CI k8s 3aa0530
Fixing version number a1ff7a5
Enabling canary deployment 3a5f467
Using cronjob for notifier f21cb48
Splitting notifier and scheduler for leveragin cronjob bcd3176
(helm) Bumping chart version for fixing canary condition 408e0cd
(helm) Bumping chart version for adding labels 30543aa
(deps) bump from 2.6.9 to 2.6.10 7c121df
(deps) bump from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 c7f3e0b
Updating charts for fixing middlewares cef867e
Updating charts for switching to ingressroute c83d718
Fixing chart version a3541e0
Bumping chart for updating termination grace period f8afcd0
Updating chart version 0863117
(deps) bump from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1 ab64d1c
(deps) bump from 2.6.8 to 2.6.9 5e17865
Removing concat error to use httputils one e09288f
(codeql) Updating CodeQL syntax for compliance with new version ecdb608
Fixing way to declare name 1fc758d
Updating way to declare image name and tag 5e615d7
Removing some duplicates for sonar cloud af96186
Reducing history size of helm release e3e1592
Updating chart version for adding security context a870c16
(deps) bump from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 ff89fe4
(deps) bump from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8 097f003
Changing image update automation tag in yaml 762775e
You can’t perform that action at this time.