Access control of medical records using BigchainDB, IPFS & RASA
There is a rapid increase in the generation of medical data, especially in a medical emergency or crisis. When hospitals are understaffed to maintain healthcare data, they are prone to be tampered with. Users do not receive their medical information on time and cannot approach other institutions quickly with their medical history.
Solution: Bring EHR to blockchain
BigchainDB is a decentralized database that has immutability just like traditional blockchains. We have attempted to develop an end to end system for successful storage, transfer and tracking of patient healthcare data. All records are encrypted using AES-256 encryption and the access for this data is transferred through blockchain and asymmetric cryptography. Due to limited blockchain data storage, files are being stored in IPFS.
There is a wave of emotional instability among people who are on a downward spiral in life or are going through hard times. We have developed a chat companion to make the user feel better and track users' behaviour. Chatbot as a companion can provide you factual information
This project as a chatbot is a part of our complete project
Clone the repository
git clone
Make virtual env
python3 -m venv rasa
Using eveything in Docker
Running rasa and node in local
To just run local servers if local and start docker
To just run local servers if local
docker-compose up -d --build
Essential docker commands
docker build -t <container-name> .
docker run -t <container-name> -p <port>:<port> [ -d for silent]
docker system prune -a (remove all containers)
docker ps (check running containers)
docker stop <container-id> (stop single container)
docker rm <container-id> (remove single container)
docker rmi <image-id> (remove image)
docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq) (stop all containers)
docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq) (remove all containers)
docker container inspect <container-id>
- Vedant Sahai @Vedantsahai18
- Elvis Dsouza @ejson03
- Pratik Chowdhury @pratikpc
In order to contribute please create a PULL REQUEST
, we will go through it and if all looks good, it will be accepted.