Uses neural networks with NEAT to train on and beat the classic Atari game 'Breakout' aka Brick Breaker.
NOTE: There is randomness involved in the starting velocity and direction of the ball. Neural networks will often only optimize a part of these possible options, so even will do well only 50% of the time despite putting together multiple neural networks. To get the perfect AI, train for more generations (default is at 300) after removing the fitness threshold from NEAT_config.txt, or create neural networks for each random option of the ball and put the best of each together. Note that this will likely take several hours (100 gens ~ 1hr) and hence hasn't been done yet.
- pygame
- neat-python (ensure you install neat-python and not just neat)
- To play the game on your own, run
- To modify the fitness function and/or retrain the neural network, run
- To run the pickled models, use
- To change the configuration of the NEAT neural networks, change the parameters in NEAT_config.txt
- You can view the winning game from my fitness function in the .mp4 video
- bestGenome.txt contains details of the winning neural network as reported by NEAT's stat reporter, but cannot be run directly. Use to see to details of the winning neural network.