This repository should be "Accepted/Forked" by team leaders only. One team member (team leader) will add their team members as "collaborators" so they could collaborate and push their code.
It’s up to you to decide your project specs and requirements. Take your time to plan your project idea, write down a short description for it, set your goals, and have a clear scope. Your project must use the following:
- Implement a login-based system with JWT.
- All Angular routes should be protected from public access by JWT (except sign-up and sign-in routes)
- All Express routes should be protected from public access by JWT (except sign-up and sign-in routes)
- Use at least one featured lazy-loaded module in the frontend and proper REST design in the backend.
- Projects must have proper UI complies with the web standards.
Note: Chat and products listing applications are not allowed.
- You are free to work from any comfortable spot you may choose and are not required to come or to be in the classroom.
- I'm available to assist you any day through Teams from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM, and from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, including the weekend.
- I will create Team groups, students should be available during class hours on teams to receive calls and check on their progress.
- On the first day of the project, plan your project idea, write a description, design your DB schemas and app structure, create a daily schedule and members' tasks, and submit everything to your group on Teams.
- A daily push is required to track your code and performance. If you miss a push that will affect your final grade.
- Do not spend more than two hours on a problem, move on, or find an alternative.
The last push should be performed before Tuesday 9 pm. I will meet with every team individually on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and evaluate the final project code.
Good luck and happy coding!
Groups should not work with each other or share or copy code from any source. Remember to respect the code honor submission policy. All written code must be original. Presenting something as one’s own work when it came from another source is plagiarism and is forbidden. Plagiarism is a very serious thing in all American academic institutions and is guarded against vigilantly by every professor.