JSON-Parser written in f#
Smallest unit of JSON-Parser is a character parser (pchar
), and it builds by incrementally combining smaller units to a complete set.
takes a character as an input and returns a Parser<char>
with the following singature.
char -> Parser<char>
An expample of incremental build up is a string parser (pstring
) with the following singature.
seq<char> -> Parser<String>
Alternatively a parser can be built up by supplying a predicate like the one bellow to build a (digit
) Parser.
satisfy Char.IsDigit "digit"
A limited necessary set of combinators (chaining and piping parsers) are included as well.
p1 .>>. p2
- Applies p1 and p2 in sequence, and returns a tuple with results of p1 and p2.
p1 >>. p2
- Applies p1 and p2 in sequence, and returns result of p2.
p1 .>> p2
- Applies p1 and p2 in sequence, and returns result of p1.
p1 <|> p2
- Applies p1, p2 in sequence, and returns on succeess. Proceeds with p2 only when p1 fails.
p |>> f
- Applies p and returns f x.
btw p1 p2 p3
- Applies p1, p2 and p3 in sequence, and returns result of p2.
A number in JSON has the following parts as described here
- An optional sign char (-)
- A Zero or Digit [1-9] (+ many of them)
- An optional fraction (.)[1-9]+
- An exponent [eE] (+/-) [1-9]+
It takes individual pchar
to parse each item given in specification and combining them in order to parse a number
let pNumber =
optional negative .>>. (zero <|> digits) .>>. (optional fraction) .>>. (optional exponent)
Source of inspiration Scott Wlaschin and Stephan Tolksdorf.