Project HashMap is a practice project to be able to manipulate data structure of key-value pairs within the buckets, and perform various methods/operations such as: entry insertion, deletion, and collision handling.
- hash(key) - Generate hash code for the key, which defines the bucket index within the HashMap
- set(key, value) - Add an entry to the bucket
- get(key) - Get a value of the key that is in the HashMap
- has(key) - Check if the key in the HashMap exists
- remove(key) - Remove an entry based on the given key that is within the HashMap
- length() - Get total number of keys in the HashMap
- clear() - Remove all the entries within the HashMap
- keys() - Return an array of all the keys that are in the HashMap
- values() - Return an array of all the values that are in the HashMap
- entries() - Return an array of all the entries that are in the HashMap
- resizeHashMap() - Resize the HashMap if its size exceeds the threshold capacity based on the load factor