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Run dynamically linked ELF binaries everywhere (musl and glibc are supported).


  • Its works with userland-execve by mapping the interpreter (such as into memory, creating a stack for it (containing the auxiliary vector, arguments, and environment variables), and then jumping to the entry point with the new stack.
  • lib4bin pulls out the binary file and all the libraries on which it depends, strip it and forms the bin, shared/{bin,lib,lib32} directories (see screenshots) and generate a file shared/{lib,lib32}/lib.path with a list of all directories that contain libraries for pass it to interpreter --library-path. The paths in this file are specified on a new line with a + at the beginning and relative to the directory in which it is located.

Supported architectures:

  • aarch64
  • x86_64

To get started:

  • Download the latest revision
git clone && cd sharun
  • Compile a binary
rustup default nightly
rustup target add $(uname -m)-unknown-linux-musl
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
cargo build --release
cp ./target/$(uname -m)-unknown-linux-musl/release/sharun .
./sharun --help
./sharun lib4bin --help
  • Or take an already precompiled binary file from the releases
  • You can also use all in one sharun (sharun-$ARCH-aio) version which contains all the necessary dependencies for lib4bin. See

Usage sharun:

[ Usage ]: sharun [OPTIONS] [EXEC ARGS]...
    Use lib4bin for create 'bin' and 'shared' dirs

[ Arguments ]:
    [EXEC ARGS]...              Command line arguments for execution

[ Options ]:
     l,  lib4bin [ARGS]         Launch the built-in lib4bin
    -g,  --gen-lib-path         Generate a lib.path file
    -v,  --version              Print version
    -h,  --help                 Print help

[ Environments ]:
    SHARUN_WORKING_DIR=/path    Specifies the path to the working directory
    SHARUN_ALLOW_SYS_VKICD=1    Enables breaking system vulkan/icd.d for vulkan loader
    SHARUN_ALLOW_LD_PRELOAD=1   Enables breaking LD_PRELOAD env variable         Specifies the name of the interpreter
    SHARUN_DIR                  Sharun directory

Usage lib4bin:

[ Usage ]: lib4bin [OPTIONS] /path/executable -- [STRACE MODE EXEC ARGS]

[ Options ]:
    -d, --dst-dir '/path'    Destination directory (env: DST_DIR='/path')
    -e, --strace-mode        Use strace for get libs (env: STRACE_MODE=1)
    -t, --strace-time 5      Specify the time in seconds for strace mode (env: STRACE_TIME=5)
    -g, --gen-lib-path       Generate a lib.path file (env: GEN_LIB_PATH=1)
    -h, --help               Show this message
    -i, --patch-interpreter  Patch INTERPRETER to a relative path (env: PATCH_INTERPRETER=1)
    -k, --with-hooks         Pack additional files required for libraries (env: WITH_HOOKS=1)
    -l, --libs-only          Pack only libraries without executables (env: LIBS_ONLY=1)
    -n, --not-one-dir        Separate directories for each executable (env: ONE_DIR=0)
    -p, --hard-links         Pack sharun and create hard links (env: HARD_LINKS=1)
    -q, --quiet-mode         Show only errors (env: QUIET_MODE=1)
    -r, --patch-rpath        Patch RPATH to a relative path (env: PATCH_RPATH=1)
    -s, --strip              Strip binaries and libraries (env: STRIP=1)
    -v, --verbose            Verbose mode (env: VERBOSE=1)
    -w, --with-sharun        Pack sharun from PATH or env or download
                                (env: WITH_SHARUN=1, SHARUN=/path|URL, SHARUN_URL=URL, UPX_SHARUN=1)
    -o, --with-wrappe        Pack with wrappe from PATH or env or download
                                (env: WITH_WRAPPE=1, WRAPPE=/path|URL, WRAPPE_URL=URL)
    -c, --wrappe-clvl 0-22   Specify the compression level for wrappe (env: WRAPPE_CLVL=0-22) (default: 8)
    -x, --wrappe-exec name   Specify the name of the wrappe packaged executable (env: WRAPPE_EXEC=name)
    -m, --wrappe-args 'args' Specify the args for the wrappe packaged executable (env: WRAPPE_ARGS='args')
    -z, --wrappe-dir '/path' Specify path to the sharun dir for packing with wrappe (env: WRAPPE_DIR='/path')
    -u, --wrappe-no-cleanup  Disable cleanup the wrappe unpack directory after exit (env: WRAPPE_CLEANUP=0)
                                It can also be set at runtime (env: STARTPE_CLEANUP=0)
    -y, --with-python        Pack python using uv from PATH or env or download
                                (env: WITH_PYTHON=1, UV=/path|URL, UV_URL=URL)
    -pp, --python-pkg 'pkg'  Specify the python package for packing (env: PYTHON_PKG='pkg')
    -pv, --python-ver 3.12   Specify the python version for packing (env: PYTHON_VER=3.12)
    -pi, --python-pip        Leave pip after install python package (env: PYTHON_LEAVE_PIP=1)
    -pw, --python-wheel      Leave wheel after install python package (env: PYTHON_LEAVE_WHEEL=1)
    -ps, --python-setuptools Leave setuptools after install python package (env: PYTHON_LEAVE_SETUPTOOLS=1)


# run lib4bin with the paths to the binary files that you want to make portable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-sharun --dst-dir test /bin/bash

# or for correct /proc/self/exe you can use --hard-links flag:
./sharun lib4bin --hard-links --dst-dir test /bin/bash
# this will create hard links from 'test/sharun' in the 'test/bin' directory

# now you can move 'test' dir to other linux system and run binaries from the 'bin' dir:
./test/bin/bash --version

# or specify them as an argument to 'sharun':
./test/sharun bash --version

Packing the sharun directory with your applications into a single executable with wrappe:

# packing one executable file /bin/bash to the test/bash executable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-wrappe --dst-dir test /bin/bash

# packing several executable files to the test/sharun multicall executable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-wrappe --dst-dir test /bin/bash /bin/env /bin/ls

# packing several executable files with bash entrypoint to the test/bash executable:
./sharun lib4bin --wrappe-exec bash --dst-dir test /bin/bash /bin/env /bin/ls

Packing the sharun directory with your python application into a single executable with wrappe:

# packing python to the test/sharun multicall executable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-python --with-wrappe --strip --dst-dir test

# packing python with python entrypoint to the test/python executable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-python --wrappe-exec python --strip --dst-dir test

# packing python 3.14 and awscli package with aws entrypoint to the test/aws executable in strace mode:
./sharun lib4bin --wrappe-exec aws --strip --with-hooks --python-ver 3.14 --python-pkg awscli --dst-dir test sharun -- aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://globalnightlight

# packing python 3.13 and pygame package with examples.aliens entrypoint to the test/python executable in strace mode:
./sharun lib4bin --wrappe-exec python -m '-m pygame.examples.aliens' --strip --with-hooks --python-ver 3.13 --python-pkg pygame --dst-dir test sharun -- python -m pygame.examples.aliens

Packing the PyInstaller onedir app into a single executable with wrappe:

# download python script:

# Create PyInstaller onedir app:
pyinstaller --name systemctl --onedir

# download sharun aio:
wget$(uname -m)-aio -O ./sharun
chmod +x ./sharun

# packing PyInstaller onedir app with strace mode into a single portable executable:
./sharun lib4bin --with-wrappe --with-hooks --strip ./dist/systemctl/systemctl -- --help

# test it:
./systemctl --help
  • You can create a hard link from sharun to AppRun and write the name of the executable file from the bin directory to the .app file for compatibility with AppImage AppDir. If the .app file does not exist, the *.desktop file will be used.

  • Additional env var can be specified in the .env file (see dotenv). Env var can also be deleted using unset ENV_VAR in the end of the .env file.

  • You can preload libraries using .preload file. Specify the necessary libraries in it from a new line. You can use the full paths to libraries or only their names if they are located in shared/{lib,lib32}/ This can be useful, for example, to use ld-preload-open library to reassign paths.



Environment variables that are set if sharun finds a directory or file:

PERLLIB ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/perl*
GCONV_PATH ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/gconv
GIO_MODULE_DIR ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/gio/modules
QT_PLUGIN_PATH ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/qt*/plugins
BABL_PATH ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/babl-*
GEGL_PATH ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/gegl-*
GIMP2_PLUGINDIR ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/gimp/2.0
LIBDECOR_PLUGIN_DIR ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/libdecor/plugins-1
GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE ${SHARUN_DIR}/shared/$LIB/gtk-*/*/immodules.cache
--- ---
VK_DRIVER_FILES ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/vulkan/icd.d
__EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_DIRS ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d
GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/glib-2.0/schemas
GIMP2_DATADIR ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/gimp/2.0
TERMINFO ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/terminfo
MAGIC ${SHARUN_DIR}/share/file/misc/magic.mgc
--- ---
FONTCONFIG_FILE ${SHARUN_DIR}/etc/fonts/fonts.conf

Projects that use sharun:
