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Changelog of CEN OJP XSD

This document contains an overview of the changes between the versions of CEN OJP.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog,

The releases can be found at

[1.1] - Not released yet


  • Added IncludeHierarchy in StopEventRequest to allow including either parts, or the complete hierarchy of the stop point/stop place if known. #96
  • Added NoBoardingAtStop and NoAlightingAtStop to Call structures. #91
  • Added parameters ExcludePlacesContext and ExcludeSituationsContext to allow excluding PlacesContext and SituationsContext. #83
  • Added parameter NoSight to BaseTripMobilityFilterGroup to allow requesting a trip for a blind user. #36
  • Added a TripStatusGroup consisting of parameters which describe the current status of a trip, e.g. Cancelled / Delayed / Infeasible. #116
  • Added an optional ProductCategory of a Service. As defined in NeTEx and SIRI, a product category is a classification for VEHICLE JOURNEYs to express some common properties of journeys for marketing and fare products. #95 #113
  • Added DistributorInterchangeId in LegBoardStructure and FeederInterchangeId in LegAlightStructure to allow transporting an arbitrary identifier for feeding service at alighting and distributing service at boarding, which is independent of JourneyRef.
  • Added AdditionalTime in Mode to allow adding time to the actual travel time needed to use a specific mode. #30
  • Added MimeType and Embeddable to WebLinkStructure. #59
  • Added WaitDuration to ExchangePointsResultStructure to allow defining a duration needed at an exchange point to change from one service to another. #58
  • Added Extension to DatedJourneyStructure and ContinuousServiceStructure. #92
  • Added AllowedSystemId to InitialInputStructure: In a distributed environment, a place information request can refer to several regional systems. This parameter allows the client to restrict the request to a specific system. #63
  • Added ReferredSystemId in TopographicPlaceStructure: In a distributed environment, the process of place identification can be a two-step process. In the first step, a topographic place (e.g. city, municipality) is identified from the user input, in the second step, the system related to the topographic place is queried for places. In order to do so, the topographic places from the first step need to carry the information which system they relate to. #62
  • Added ProtoProduct in FareProductStructure to allow carrying product related information to be processed further and used for tariffing in a distributed environment, where OJP services can deliver only parts of a fare product. #60
  • Added private modes to PlaceContextStructure/IndividualTransportOptions (allowing for scooter, ride-pool-car, car-sharing, cycle-sharing, scooter-sharing) #127
  • Added valid v1.1 examples of OJP requests and responses. #115 #126
  • Added OJP_All.xsd and changed directory structure. #117
  • Added scripts to generate documentation tables HTML from XSD. #131 #154


  • Renamed Location to Place: According to TRANSMODEL a "location" is only a geographical position, while a "place" consists of a location and other attributes. This change distinguishes the two terms properly, which were used inconsistently in OJP. In most cases the term "location" was replaced by the term "place". This applies to type and element names but also to annotations. #82 #99
  • Renamed PrivateCode to DomainCode. #94
  • Renamed PublishedLineName to PublishedServiceName. #89
  • Replaced AcceptDeferredDelivery in TripPolicyFilterGroup by TripSummaryOnly in TripContentFilterGroup as the parameter to control whether to deliver complete trips or only trip summaries. The concept of a deferred delivery has been removed. Additionally, replaced MultiPointTripContentFilterGroup in MultiPointTripParamStructure by TripContentFilterGroup as legs are mandatory within trip results. #109
  • Allow multiple languages to be requested and returned. #32
  • Simplified all ResponseContexts to use a single ResponseContextStructure. #39
  • Renamed InfoURL to InfoUrl. #31
  • Changed BookingUrl and InfoUrl in BookingArrangementStructure to contain a Label and a Url instead of only referring to xs:anyURI, changed InfoUrl in GeneralAttributeStructure to Url. #123
  • Set the default value anyPoint for MultiPointType in MultiPointTripPolicyGroup so the default response does not have to contain a trip result for each of the given origins and destinations but only for one of them. #98
  • Allowed TransferLimit to be 0 to allow requesting a multi trip without transfers. #123
  • Aligned annotation with the CEN documentation. #57
  • Clarified only referenced places and situations should be put into the ResponseContext. #107
  • Moved ResponseContextStructure to OJP_RequestSupport.xsd. #110
  • Optimized formatting of the files. #74
  • Allow TransferLimit to be 0 in MultiPointTripRequest as well (like done for TripRequest in v1.0.1). #129
  • Changed Places to new type PlacesStructure in ResponseContextStructure. #150
  • Changed TopographicPlaceStructureArea to new type AreaStructure, changed LegTrackStructure/LinkProjection to new type LinkProjectionStructure. #155
  • Changed CallAtStopStructure, LegBoardStructure, LegAlightStructure and LegIntermediateStructure to new types ServiceArrivalStructure and ServiceDepartureStructure. #156


  • Omit unused requests and responses. #76
  • Removed unused structures. #55

[1.0.1] - 2019-02-26


  • Allowed TransferLimit to be 0 to allow requesting a trip without transfers. #7
  • Allowed NumberOfResultsBefore and NumberOfResultsAfter to be 0 to allow requesting trips only before or after a given time. #3

[1.0.0] - 2018-06-08

Initial release, published as CEN/TS 17118:2017