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Ansible playbook for my bash, tmux and vim configuration

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btv (Bash, Tmux and Vim)

This is the Ansible version of my dotfiles project. It uses Ansible to:

  • Install Vim and Tmux from source
  • Add some Vim plugins
  • Add some Vim color schemes
  • Install the latest version of NodeJS
  • Install the Vim Coc plugin which requires NodeJS
  • Install the Vim GitHub Copilot plugin
  • Install TPM plugin for Tmux
  • Add my Bash, Tmux and Vim dotfiles

Tested On

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (supports WSL 2)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (supports WSL 2)
  • CentOS 7.9 or newer

NOTE: CentOS is version-locked to Ansible 2.9 which does not support fqcns used in these roles and playbooks. Ansible 2.10+ can be installed via pip3 but the Python 3 versions in CentOS 7 are ancient. Thus, the CentOS Dockerfile included here installs Python 3.10.9 from source, before pip-installing Ansible. Of course this means a docker build with this file is much slower.

To Do

  • Add roles for Bash and Git
  • Add MacOS support
  • Consider adding one or more roles for:
    • MinTTY/Git Bash/WSLTTY
    • iTerm
    • VSCode


  • Python 3.9 or newer
  • Ansible 2.10 or newer
  • Must be able to sudo-to-root (roles use become directive)


  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. CD into the btv directory.

  2. Install Vim and Tmux roles from Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  1. Run the playbook. To suppress inventory warnings, use localhost, as the inventory, e.g.:
ansible-playbook -i localhost, btv.yml

Testing with Docker

Ubuntu (preferred)

docker build -t myubuntu:latest . -f Dockerfile.ubuntu
docker run -d --name mytest_container sleep infinty
docker exec -it mytest_container bash
source .bash_profile

CentOS (ymmv)

docker build -y mycentos:latest . -f Dockerfile.centos
docker run -d --name mytest_container sleep infinity
docker exec -it mytest_container bash
source .bash_profile

At this point, bash, tmux and vim should work and have a matching theme.



Author Information

By V01dDweller


Ansible playbook for my bash, tmux and vim configuration






No releases published
