git clone [email protected]:V-FEXrt/fexware.git
cd fexware
bash ./
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPICO_SDK_PATH=../third_party/pico-sdk ..
- Boot the keyboard in program mode (power on holding boot button)
- Copy build/fexware.uf2 into the flash drive named "RPI-RP2"
After flashing the device, a new flash drive named "MiRage" will appear. Copy your keymaps file onto the flash drive. Keymap format is compatible with the format of Extra features are also available which will be documented later (probably). The default or base layer should be called "BaseLayer.kmf".
- Flash drive doesn't seem to be mounting in this revision (likely getting starved by FreeRTOS)
- Missing the dependency required to draw to the OLEDs (available in an old repo just needs to be copied over)
- only standard and hold presses are detected atm
- The multi-core code seems to be racy and will crash some times
- Stacks sizes need to be profiled and probably increased
- Probably other things, will update as I remember.