This repository implements the PACK.lua
lua script for packing official Luau sources (only compiler, native code generation and vm at the moment) into TWO FILES: luau.hpp
and luau.cpp
, which you can simply drag and drop into your C++ project.
Note: luau.h and luau.c are ALREADY AUTOMATICLY packed in this repository! Do manual packaging only if you really want to change this process in some way or speed up getting the latest version of Luau. If you want to package sources manually, you need to install Lua 5.4, git.
First clone this repository with this command:
$ git clone --recursive
Then cd to the luau
submodule directory and run
$ lua5.4 ../PACK.lua
During the build process, you will see errors about <string.h>
or <vector>
not found, this is normal.
At the end you will get your packaged luau sources :)
- Put packed files in your project, compile as any other source file
- Add
to your linker flags (if not done yet) - Modify definitions at the top of luau.hpp file (disable compiler or native code generation)
- include
everywhere you need to work with lua.
Luau uses C++ as its implementation language. The runtime requires C++11, whereas the compiler and analysis components require C++17. It should build without issues using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or later, or gcc-7 or clang-7 or later.
Other than the STL/CRT, Luau library components don't have external dependencies.
Luau implementation is distributed under the terms of MIT License. It is based on Lua 5.x implementation that is MIT licensed as well.
When Luau is integrated into external projects, we ask to honor the license agreement and include Luau attribution into the user-facing product documentation. The attribution using Luau logo is also encouraged.
is also under the MIT license.
Luau (lowercase u, /ˈlu.aʊ/) is a fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua.
This is not the original Luau repository. Visit Original Luau repository for more information about LuaU.
The documentation portion for Luau language can be viewed at Luau-Lang website