The Premier Open Data Platform
We encourage everyone to participate in this project — filing bugs, opening feature requests, etc. One of the most impactful areas is participating in open RFCs specifically. You can find the list of currently active RFCs here.
Plenario is primarily written in the super-fast, functional Elixir. This lets us operate on huge amounts of data in the blink of an eye; unfortunately it also means setting up a Plenario development environment is a little more involved than the average GitHub project. Follow the steps below, though, and we'll have you up and running in no time!
With the rapid development of Elixir, we want to be deliberate about which tool versions we are using when working with the code. We use asdf to automate management of our Erlang, Elixir, and Node environments, but you can do it manually if you're feeling bold. We also use Docker to set up our Postgres database for development and testing and to provide a consistent environment when building releases.
First make sure you have asdf installed and configured properly. Instructions for doing so are available here. Make sure to install the system packages listed at the end of those instructions.
You'll also need the Erlang, Elixir, and Node plugins for asdf. You can check your list of installed plugins with
$ asdf plugin-list
and add any missing ones with
asdf plugin-add erlang
asdf plugin-add elixir
asdf plugin-add nodejs
Now you can just enter the project directory and run
asdf install
to automatically install the correct versions of all three tools. When
inside the project directory tree you'll automatically and transparently use the
correct tool version when calling commands, e.g. mix
If you don't want to use asdf, perhaps because you already have other version managers running like nvm or kerl, you can find our currently employed versions of Erlang, Elixir, and Node listed in human-readable format in .tool-versions. Install them globally or with your version managers of choice, and make sure you're using them when working on Plenario.
We use Yarn to manage our JavaScript dependencies. While NPM has made great strides in the last few versions to match the "killer features" of Yarn, such a rapid release schedule comes with reliability issues. As such, we still prefer the stability afforded by Yarn.
Please refer to the Yarn documentation for installation instructions.
We use Docker to stand up our local development database environment with Postgres+PostGIS. We also use it to provide a consistent, Ubuntu-based build environment to ensure a version of Plenario built on any development machine will run just as well in the production environment.
We highly recommend using the latest instructions and installation packages from Docker themselves, especially on macOS and Windows. The new Docker for Mac/Windows distributions use the native virtualization technologies under those operating systems, and so should be more performant than the standard VirtualBox distribution.
Plenario expects to connect to a Postgres database with the PostGIS extension enabled. Rather than setting that up yourself, you can pull down a pre-configured Docker image with
docker pull mdillon/postgis
We recommend repeating this step every time you check out a new git branch. Installed dependencies are not tracked in git and will not update automatically when changing branches.
One last step; we need to install the Elixir plugins and Node modules that Plenario depends on. Run the following from the project root:
mix deps.get
cd assets/
You're all set! Read Running Development Server to get started contributing, and Running Test Suite learn how to run our automated test suite.
Remember to re-run the commands in Project Dependencies if you have checked out a different branch. Git can't update them automatically.
Once you're sure you've got all of your software prerequisites set up, you're ready to get started! This requires just a couple steps:
# Stand up the development database and populate it
docker run -dp 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password mdillon/postgis
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
# Start the Phoenix server
mix phx.serve
Now you can access the Plenario front end at http://localhost:4000
and the API
via http://localhost:4000/api/v2/...
. HTML/style changes will live update in
your browser, and most API changes will be visible the next time you call the
To stop the Phoenix server, press Ctrl-C twice. You can stop the
Postgres container with the usual docker container stop <container name/hash>
For more specific information on the locally running server, check the Phoenix Framework documentation.
By default, the development server is empty; it doesn't have any users, data sets, or Array of Things networks. You can add them manually as needed, but we also offer the following command to quickly create a Plenario user with administrator privileges and some sample data.
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
The created user has these login credentials:
- Email:
[email protected]
- Password:
(yes, we know)
Remember to re-run the commands in Project Dependencies if you have checked out a different branch. Git can't update them automatically.
First make sure you've got all of your software prerequisites set up. Then run the following from the project root to execute the automated tests.
# Stand up the test database and populate it
docker run -dp 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password mdillon/postgis
MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create
MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate
# Run the tests
mix coveralls
If during development you need to make configuration changes, do that in the
file. If your tests work locally, but something is screwy on
Travis, update the config/travis.exs
Deployments are built using a Docker container and sent to the target host where they are swapped in for the running version.
To create a fresh release archive and deploy it, all you need to run is
make deploy
NOTE: The defaults for deployments assume you have a .ssh/config file on your machine and that it has a
entry for the application host. The deployment uses SSH and you must be able to connect to the host machine.
If you need to specify a non-default hostname, run the deployment command as
make deploy HOST=some-host-name
If you need to run migrations before starting the release, run the deployment command as
make deploy MIGRATE=true
If you need to run the seed script before starting the release, run the deployment command as
make deploy SEED=true
NOTE: This will also run all unapplied migrations against the database.