Releases: UniversityOfHelsinkiCS/oodikone
Releases · UniversityOfHelsinkiCS/oodikone
Study programme: Programme selector updated
Study programme overview
- Updated the study programme selector to the new user interface
- Moved Combined programmes between Masters and Doctoral programmes
- Only the name of the programme is now a clickable link with blue color for clarity
Class statistics
- Fixed crashing in some cases
Class statistics: New tab for study modules
Class statistics
- Modules Tab: New view under the students tab, showing which study modules students have in their HOPS
- This doesn't include study modules belonging to other programmes (optional study modules)
- Fixed student statistics not loading for some users with only IAM rights
- User search
- Updated the view to Material UI
- Replaced SortableTable with Material React Table
- The admin role is now red
- The mock button now says "Mock" and has orange color to match the nav bar mock button/color
- User page
- User details (language, last login) are now included
- The email address contains a mailto:-link
- IAM Groups are included
- Only admin and teachers roles can be manually changed
- Roles and access rights are by default in a read-only state
- Moved the email notification under a new Notify button
- The mock button matches the users table
- User name is included in the page title
Course statistics: New Attempt statistics table
Course statistics
- Updated the Attempt statistics table to the new UI
- Fixed Excel exports: the file now better matches the table
- Changed "Both" to "University + Open university" in the provider organization selector
Course statistics: New Student statistics table
Course statistics
- Updated the Student statistics table to the new UI
- Known issue: the columns for the Excel export are not optimally formatted, but contain correct data
- Fixed the "Search term is not accurate enough" being displayed before using the search
- Wrote tests for the new Bachelor + Master view
Course statistics: More bug fixes
Course statistics
- Included the course code of the selected course in the page title
- Limited pass rate to 100%
- In the Attempts tab, the pass rate would sometimes go over 100% if there are more passing grades than total attempts
- Fixed negative enrollments
- In the Attempts tab, the number of enrollments could sometimes go below 0, this should not be possible
Students close to graduation
- Included "Students close to graduation" in the page title
Fixes and improvements
Course statistics
- Years/semesters with no attainments are now included in the tables and charts
- Fixed the toggle state of "Separate by semesters" being wrong when entering with direct url with separate set to true
- Pass rate chart
- Introduced new colors to make it more clear which status is in question
- Grade distribution chart
- Introduced new colors to make it more clear which grade is in question
- "Show relative" now stacks the bars like the pass rate chart
- Attempts tab
- Fixed "Show grades" being completely wrong
- There are still some disparencies with the total column, but the grade numbers should now be correct
- Fixed "Show grades" being completely wrong
Class statistics
- Updated the header text for "Show Bachelor + Master"
- The "Show Bachelor + Master" toggle is now disabled in cases it is not available
- More options are shown for the study right status filter if Bachelor + Master is selected
Close to graduation
- Added "Semesters used" column
- Fixed the page crashing in some rare cases
Adjustments to Course statistics and Close to graduation
Course statistics
- Turned the Provider organization selector into a dropdown menu
- The options are University, Open university or Both, which includes data from both University and Open university
- Having an explicit option for Both should make it more clear where the data is coming from
- Changed the disabled option text from "No data" to "Not available"
- There can still be data for Both but choosing University or Open university may not be available
- The options are University, Open university or Both, which includes data from both University and Open university
Close to graduation
- Aligned cells with numeric values to the right for improved readability
- Added tests for Course statistics info boxes
Course statistics: UI updates
Course statistics
- Updated most of the view to the new user interface
- Students table and Attempts table will be updated soon
- Course tab
- Added icons to the course labels
- Removed the Clear button for the comparison group
- The programmes can be cleared by clicking the "x" symbol instead
- Summary tab
- Shows as disabled if only one course is selected
- Removed the Timeframe section as redundant
- Justified content to the right to improve readability
- The Export button is now more visible
- Known issues
- Pass rate chart may sometimes display negative values
- The tables are missing rows if there is no data for a semester
- More TypeScript
- Extracted access checking in the frontend
Fixes and improvements
Course statistics
- Fixed students being displayed in incorrect faculties in Faculty statistics view
Class statistics
- Added an option to view lower and upper degree studies simultaneously
- This can be toggled when selecting the study programme to view
Class statistics > Students > Courses
- Display an icon for courses that are in students' HOPS but have no enrollment or completion
- Fixed "Include substitutions" not updating the table
- Fixed the summary row calculating course completions incorrectly when substitutions were included
Completed courses of students
- Display an icon for courses that are in student's HOPS but have no enrollment or completion
- Fixed programme filter sometimes incorrectly checking active study right
- Updated dependencies
Improve Courses of Populations load times
Class statistics
- Major improvements in load times for classes with high course counts
- Replaced getSubstitutions call with inlined version