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Archlinux on river/sway from scratch with the most minimal dependencies. DIY is awesome


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Archlinux on river/sway from scratch with the most minimal dependencies. DIY is awesome

Standard Installation Steps

Arch Linux Installation Guide

Filesystem Setup

For a new setup, ROOT & HOME should be a f2fs | Bcachefs | btrfs | xfs partition. ROOT is mounted on / with the dedicated HOME |& FILES subvolume | partition mounted to /home and /home/${username}/files repectively. ROOT should have a max size of 60-120GiB with HOME between 120-240GiB and FILES of arbitrary size for multimedia content. Setup zram 3x RAM size to allow running more memory hungry tasks .eg compiling llvm, clang, clang-tools, lldb. Use a ZRAM backing device equal to RAM size 12GiB and a swap partition for hibernation also of size equal to RAM 12Gib


  • make sure to create and mount bcachefs/btrfs with zstd compression on first mount during installation
  • format & mount all drive with a logical sector or block size of 4096

needed base system modules

  • configure mkinitcpio and kernel cmdline parameters
  • Enable systemd-boot as boot manager (bootctl install)
  • Start iwd, systemd-networkd, systemd-resolved system services
  • enabling systemd-boot-update service to update systemd-boot on systemd upgrade
  • river/sway as window manager with swayidle and waylock for idle and lock management and levee/yambar for bar management
    • base
    • btrfs-progs
    • bcachefs-tools
    • dosfstools
    • exfatprogs
    • f2fs-tools
    • intel-ucode microcode
    • iwd for wifi
    • kitty/foot terminal
    • linux-firmware
    • linux-zen
    • mesa for opengl
    • intel-media-driver for hardware video acceleration
    • polkit for seat and privileged access management
    • man-db man-pages
    • Setup GPG with SSH authentication enabled
    • helix/neovim for config clone awesome-helix to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/helix or awesome-neovim to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim
    • sudo
    • elvish/fish (set default shell with chsh -s $(which shellname))

basic configuration

  • iwd for wifi and enable its builtin dhcp client
  • symlink /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf for dns resolution
  • setup reflector for choosing the fastest pacman mirror list
  • Configure network using systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved
  • Setup vconsole terminal fonts
  • On the freshly installed system use the following fonts
    • use fonts with great unicode support like ttf-dejavu or noto-fonts as system default font
    • ttf-jetbrains-mono or ttc-iosevka for monospace,
    • ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono for nerd font symbols and noto-font-emoji for emoji

    NOTE: don't forget to ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/

  • configure Intel_graphics hardware acceleration
  • setup laptop, zram, disk, network and power management options using udev rules, sysctl and modprobe config
  • Configure hibernation by adding resume kernel parameter, resume hook to mkinitcpio and rebuilding kernel
  • Enable Active State Power Management if supported and add or remove powersave > /sys/module/pcie_aspm/parameters/policy from udev powersave rules based on the results
  • Configure sudo for current user using sudo -E visudo -sf /etc/sudoers.d/${username}. Example sudoers file
  • Configure logind, journald and sleep
  • For extra Performance Improvements
  • For pacman enable the following options under option section in /etc/pacman.conf
ParallelDownloads = 5
  • Setup makepkg.conf and Increase /tmp tmpfs size to 90% of RAM by Copying and changing the Options field of Mount from the default size of 50% to 90% in the drop-in config file, This helps to prevent OOM when compiling clang on /tmp sudo -E systemctl edit tmp.mount --drop-in=hugetmp.mount

NOTE: This is to be used in conjunction with zram


  • base-devel for Basic c/c++ build tools to build Arch Linux packages
  • mold as linker for c, rust and c++
  • lldb/gdb for debugging zig, c and c++
  • clang/gcc for c++ development with clangd
  • zig with zls for zig development
  • rustup with default profile and rust-analyzer component for rust development
  • luajit for lua development
  • iptables-nft and nftable(automatically installed as a dependency of iptables-nft) for firewall configuration (enable the nftables service)
  • nmap and tcpdump for network analysis and auditing
  • yay for AUR packagem mangement
  • android-file-transfer with libmtp for connecting android phones mtp management
  • aria2 as download manager
  • bat is a Cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration
  • bluez and bluez-utils for bluetooth
  • brightnessctl for controling backlight
  • carapace-bin for completions in elvish
  • fzf for fuzzy search
  • vivid for LS_COLORS
  • starship for prompt
  • Helix and Neovim awesomely setup with the relevant lsps and static analyzers for zig, c, rust, c++, luajit, python, shell, and web-development
  • dictd server with dict client and some dictionary sources for yay like dict-wikt-en-all dict-freedict-eng-spa dict-freedict-spa-eng dict-foldoc dict-gcide dict-wn
    • NOTE: to disable online mode comment out server in /etc/dict/dict.conf
    • Make sure locale is properly configured in DICTD_ARGS of /etc/conf.d/dictd else the service unit will fail
    • Since dict uses en_US.UTF-8 by default, make sure to comment it out in /etc/locale.gen and compile it along side your locale of choice es_MX.UTF-8
  • ffmpegthumbnailer & gnome-epub-thumbnailer for thumbnails
  • firefox with speech-dispatcher (for Text-to-Speech) as pdf reader or zathura and firefox-ublock-origin as adblocker and foliate/fbreader as epub reader
  • wlsunset for controlling screen blue light
  • git for version control
  • grim and slurp for screenshot
  • mako as a lightweight notification daemon for wayland
  • docker for containerization of apps
  • scrcpy for mirroring android device (with adb for copying to android)
  • libreoffice-fresh for working with openoffice documents and hunspell-en_us for spellcheck, for help setting up spellcheck
  • mpd for music daemon and ncmpcpp for ui interface and mpc for controlling playing
  • mpv as multimedia player
  • sound-theme-freedesktop for standard sounds and tone used in linux
  • pipewire and pipewire-audio for audio/video routing and processing, pipewire-pulse as pulseaudio replacement and WirePlumber as pipewire session manager
  • lf as filemanger
  • fastfetch for displaying system information
  • openssh and rsync for syncing file with remote over ssh
  • remmina as remote desktop client with plugin like freerdp|libvncserver
  • usb_modeswitch for enabling modem mode for zero-cd based modems
  • wl-clipboard for wayland clipboard
  • batsignal for battery status notifications
  • kanshi for wayland output management
  • fuzzel as the application launcher
  • cliphist as clipboard history manager
  • qt5-wayland for runing qt5 apps under wayland
  • xdg-desktop-portal-wrl for WebRTC screen sharing
  • xdg-utils to assist applications with desktop integration tasks
  • yt-dlp YouTube downloader
  • zoxide for efficient directory movement

Configuring Firefox

  • Enable firefox Hardware video acceleration by setting media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled to true and Hardware WebRender by setting gfx.webrender.all to true
  • Enable Firefox Profile on Ram when using zram/nvme/ssd
  • Move firefox disk cache to ram by setting browser.cache.disk.parent_directory to /run/user/UID/firefox
  • where UID is your user's ID which can be obtained by running id -u
  • if not using Firefox Profile on Ram then increase session save interval from the default of 15 seconds (15000 milliseconds) to 10 minutes (600000 milliseconds) by setting browser.sessionstore.interval to 600000


  • configure /etc/motd with the Message Of The Day Eg.WELCOME MASTER MALPHA! WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU!!!
  • Checkout Archlinux General Recommendation
  • enable DNSOverTLS for resolved
  • Enable synchronizing the system clock across the network by enabling systemd-timesyncd.service
  • disable unneeded services that run at boot like man-db.timer and mask ldconfig.service,systemd-rfkill*
  • disable journaling to persistent storage by setting Storage in journal.conf to volatile and masking systemd-journal-flush.service
  • link kitty to xterm
  • Enable DNS over HTTPS in firefox
  • modify relector configuration in /etc/xdg/reflector/reflector.conf to sort based on download rate with --sort rate


To use pacman as the package manager for Termux follow these instructions If you want to compile AUR packages follow these instructions

  • openssl-tool
  • openssh
  • zig
  • rust
  • golang
  • python
  • bsdtar
  • fzf
  • bat
  • starship
  • fastfetch
  • git
  • helix
  • man


Install ArchWSL using scoop on windows 11. After installing using scoop follow these instructions to setup ArchWSL.

  • To compile WSL kernel you need base-devel, bc, cpio, pahole, python, rsync
  • Then set swap=32GB and swapFile=C:\\Users\\username\\wsl\\swap.vhdx in .wslconfig to ensure you can compile the kernel without running out of memory
  • follow instructions at updating wsl kernel
  • At the end you should have a .wslconfig like mine