Refinement Types for TypeScript
git clone --recursive
cd refscript
stack setup
stack build
stack exec -- rsc /path/to/file.ts
stack test refscript:regression
stack test refscript:bench
To run the complete set of benchmarks reported in our PLDI'16 paper, please
refer to branch pldi16
stack ghci refscript:exe:rsc
*main> top "file.ts" False
To build with profiling support it is recommended that a new sandbox is used, as all library dependencies will have to be compiled with profiling support.
To do so, while in $ROOT/RefScript
mv .cabal-sandbox .cabal-sandbox.backup
mv cabal.sandbox.config cabal.sandbox.backup.config
Then repeat the first steps of installation:
cabal sandbox init
cabal sandbox add-source ../liquid-fixpoint
This will create fresh .cabal-sandbox
and cabal.sandbox.config
But before building, add the following option in cabal.sandbox.config
library-profiling: True
executable-profiling: True
In addition, in refscript.cabal
replace line:
ghc-options: -W -O2
ghc-options: -W -O2 -prof -auto-all
Then build with:
cabal install -p
This will build all depending libraries with profiling support.
To run rsc
in profiling mode add flags +RTS -p
in the end:
rsc input.ts +RTS -p
More detailed options can be found here.
If you're interested in profiling the evaluation of a specific expression you can add a cost center annotation:
{-# SCC "name" #-} <expression>
What this command outputs is a file called
that contains all gathered profiling information, including information about both all functions (default cost centers) and user defined cost centers.
We have some support for rsc
in vim and emacs.
There is a flycheck
plugin for RefScript.
into your emacs PATH. -
Add this to your
(require 'typescript) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.ts\'" . typescript-mode)) (require 'flycheck-rsc)
- Add the following to your
Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic'
Bundle 'panagosg7/vim-annotations'
- Copy the following files
cp ext/vim/typescript/rsc.vim ~/.vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/typescript/rsc.vim
cp ext/vim/typescript/rsc.vim ~/.vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/typescript/rsc.vim
:SyntasticCheck liquid
on the current buffer.
Warnings will be displayed in the usual error buffer.
Inferred Types will be displayed when
is pressed over an identifier.
You can configure the checker in various ways in your .vimrc
- To run after each save, for all Haskell files, add:
let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'active' }
let g:syntastic_typescript_checkers += ['liquid']
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers += ['liquid']
- To pass extra options to
let g:syntastic_typescript_liquid_args = '...'
- Using
export let a = ...
brings in the inferred type from TypeScript.