Experiments with Verbal and Non Verbal Signals and Trust - W 241 Fall 2018
Kanitha's original essay for the project https://docs.google.com/document/d/13ELTuP4m3yR7gddiTCjAaywsGf6saGM0xt-3edSxHVQ/edit?usp=sharing
Early project report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gVG162J_LP5J9707oLK0bLHRTMWzWmZkhb68rwhPab0/edit?ts=5bd61eb5
Final Project Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1X3W8Vph1zGFAg1VtQuQynF42azgSV08D3nTe-u61R1Y/edit?usp=sharing
Final Project Report https://docs.google.com/document/d/17VUy9-p6KJ5eurocvMWhybphFlbG6CpzMpwHJXhPYKY/edit?usp=sharing
About code
data (dir) has the some dummy data and the original reports from Qualtrics. Cleaneddata(dir) has data from all sources after scrubbing.
stargazer(file) has the code for generating the regression results. It also has RI for all data trustExperimentsmt, ff, Lu have code specific to Mturk, friends and Lucid.
trustExperiments and trustExperiments 1 has some of the original code for dummy data.