Finite universal algebras can be described using XML tags understood by the Universal Algebra Calculator. This repository contains many examples of such files.
Citing files in this repository in publications requires some care because the contents of this repository change often. Nonetheless, it is possible to create accurate citations that point to files that existed at some point in time (but might no longer exist in the master branch). This is accomplished using releases and tags.
As of June 1, 2016, the current release of the AlgebraFiles repository is v1.0.1.
To view the contents of this release, click on the Branch: master
dropdown menu above
and select Tags -> v1.0.1
. Alternatively, go directly to
To cite the contents of release v1.0.1, use the following BibTeX data:
author = {William DeMeo and
Ralph Freese},
title = {Algebra{F}iles v1.0.1},
month = May,
year = 2016,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.53936},
url = {}
If you would like to add your own algebra (.ua) files to this repository so you can safely cite them in publications, you can either
(1) submit a pull request
(2) email your algebra files to Ralph Freese or William DeMeo.
After you do (1) or (2), a new release and a corresponding BibTeX entry will be generated.
For more information about UACalc and the algebra files, see
For questions, comments, or suggestions please submit an issue.