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Releases: TylerTemp/SaintsField

3.26.1 Bug Fix & Refactoring

12 Feb 10:32
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  1. IMGUI: fix Table didn't update when size is changed externally
  2. Fix Table drag and drop
  3. Fix ListDrawerSettings drag and drop #127

Full Changelog: 3.26.0...3.26.1

3.26.0 Optimize & Spine

11 Feb 10:44
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  1. Optimize auto getters. Some auto getters now will use Unity's built-in API first which is way faster than the XPath logic.

    They'll also only refresh the hitting resources when you have changes in project (rather than inside a fixed loop)

  2. Add SpineSkinPicker to pick a spine skin from a spine skeleton.

  3. Improve auto getters how they find the scene for scene:: selector.

  4. Fix I2Loc package compile error on build.

Full Changelog: 3.25.1...3.26.0

3.25.1 Optimize

10 Feb 10:52
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  1. IMGUI: LocalizedStringPicker is now supported in IMGUI too.
  2. (Experimental): Optimize auto getters. This feature is disabled by default. Add SAINTSFIELD_AUTO_GETTER_RESOURCE_OPTIMIZE to try. This feature will be enabled by default when it's stable.

Full Changelog: 3.25.0...3.25.1

3.25.0 I2 Localization Tools

08 Feb 10:13
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  1. UI Toolkit: Add LocalizedStringPicker for I2 Localization. Enable it in Window - Saints - Enable I2 Localization Support
  2. UI Toolkit: fix data didn't get saved if the fallback drawer is a IMGUI drawer
  3. UI Toolkit: fix ResiziableTextArea didn't update the display when the value is changed by external code.
  4. UI Toolkit: fix AdvancedDropdown search might miss some results when multiple value uses the same last name.
  5. UI Toolkit: now AdvancedDropdown support search for paths too (previously only support value search). This is only avaiable for UI Toolkit because IMGUI uses Unity's built-in version and lack of this ability.
  6. UI Toolkit: now AdvancedDropdown search will display its parent path.
using SaintsField.I2Loc;

[LocalizedStringPicker] public LocalizedString displayNameTerm;
[LocalizedStringPicker] public string descriptionTerm;

Full Changelog: 3.24.0...3.25.0

3.24.0 Netcode for Game Objects Editor

07 Feb 10:31
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Add SaintsField.Playa.SaintsNetworkBehaviour to allow rendering Button etc. inside Unity's Netcode for Game Objects behavior. #135

using SaintsField.Playa;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;

public class RpcTestSaints : SaintsNetworkBehaviour  // inherent this one
    [PlayaInfoBox("Saints Info Box for Array")]  // SaintsEditor specific decorator
    public int[] normalIntArrays;

    [LayoutStart("SaintsLayout", ELayout.FoldoutBox)]  // SaintsEditor specific decorator
    public string normalString;

    public string content;

    public NetworkVariable<int> testVar = new NetworkVariable<int>(0);
    public NetworkList<bool> TestList = new NetworkList<bool>();

    [Button]  // SaintsEditor specific decorator
    private void TestRpc()
        Debug.Log("Button Invoked");

Result using SaintsNetworkBehaviour:


Result using default one:


Full Changelog: 3.23.0...3.24.0

3.23.0 AddressableScene

06 Feb 11:15
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  1. Add AddressableScene to pick a scene from Addressable assets
  2. Move Addressable related function to a separated asmdef for a better code organization
[AddressableScene] public string sceneKey;
// don't use nested list when picking
// only use scenes from `Scenes` group
// with label `Battle`, or `Profile`
[AddressableScene(false, "Scenes", "Battle", "Profile")] public string sceneKeySep;

Full Changelog: 3.22.2...3.23.0

3.22.2 Bug Fix

05 Feb 09:52
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  1. UI Toolkit: Fix ListDrawerSettings didn't update the total count when size is changed externally
  2. UI Toolkit: Fix ValidateInput has debug log #134
  3. Improve the logic of Troubleshoot so it can detect method etc.
  4. IMGUI: Fix InfoBox show extra space when hidden #126

Full Changelog: 3.22.1...3.22.2

3.22.1 Bug Fix

28 Jan 15:26
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  1. Fix ListDrawerSettings can not detect a size change and update display #123
  2. Fix UI Toolkit code leak to IMGUI version #124

Full Changelog: 3.22.0...3.22.1

3.22.0 Table

27 Jan 18:30
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  1. Add Table to show a list/array of class/struct/ScriptableObject(or MonoBehavior if you like) as a table
  2. Add Window/Saints/Troubleshoot to quickly check why some attributes not working.
  3. UI Toolkit: Fix AdvancedDropdown won't update the label when the value is changed externally.
  4. Fix SpineAnimationPicker made the project unable to build.
using SaintsField;

public Scriptable[] scriptableArray;

public struct MyStruct
    public int myInt;
    public string myString;
    public GameObject myObject;

public MyStruct[] myStructs;

Full Changelog: 3.21.1...3.22.0

新年快乐,年前最后一版了 😄

3.21.1 Spine Animation for IMGUI

26 Jan 07:27
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  1. IMGUI: SpineAnimationPicker is now supported in IMGUI too.
  2. Modify the icon of SpineAnimationPicker to be more clear.

Full Changelog: 3.21.0...3.21.1

新年快乐 😃