Getting the Pimoroni HyperPixel 4.0 setup correctly and operational on a Raspberry Pi 4B turned out to be a voyage of discovery. I have captured the results here for myself and others. I have included my working config.txt (Raspian Buster) in the repo. This is specifically for the Pi 4B versions. Pi3 and earlier do not have these issues. It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your Octoprint configuration. This can be done from the web UI by going to settings, and clicking on Backup & Restore. Click on the Create backup now button and wait for completion. Copy the file from ~pi/.octoprint/data/backup/.zip using your favorite transfer program. Try WinSCP if you don't have something already installed. Mac and Linux folks have sftp at their disposal.
AS OF 12Aug2020 Drivers are working for systems upgraded to 5.4 kernels. However, rotation from portrait mode is still a problem. I recommend staying on 4.19 (or anything 4.x) as these instructions will allow your Pimoroni Hyperpixel 4.0 to operate!
If you want to upgrade your Pi4 (or already have) to the latest versions, you can downgrade just your Pi Firmware and kernel by using rpi_update e1050e9482. The engineering team recommends against this (See Gadgetoid's comment on 3Aug2020 at pimoroni/hyperpixel4#81. You are urged to read this github issue as it details exactly what is happening and everything that has been attempted thus far.
It is important to understand that Pimoroni uses ALL of the GPIO pins on the pi. Also the order of installation is important. You can install the screen after OctoDash is installed, but it can create situations of finding the where the video is going. In my case, since I use MobaXterm, OctoDash came up fullscreen on my 30" monitor. 😆
Making the screen work is easiest if one starts with a fresh Octopi install and not changing ANYTHING other than what the installation instructions tell you do until after the screen is up and working.
If you don't already have Octoprint up and running, it is highly recommended to start with the OctoPi image. It is a much more please process. Follow the published instructions for getting OctoPi installed and running.
If you have updated your Raspian to the latest bits since installing Octoprint, you will find that the kernel version is now in the 5.4.x range. Run uname -r on the console or ssh session to get the kernel version. If it is 4.x, you are good to follow these instructions. If it says 5.x, you will need to follow the alternate Step 2 instructions below. According to the Pimoroni folks, the patch version below should work just fine on a Pi3. I haven't tested it so YMMV.
- Plug the screen into the Pi and secure it using the provided stand-offs.
- Power-up with a 5v3A power source and a high quality cable. The official pi power supply is recommended. Using a phone charger or other power supply may not provide enough power for the screen to operate properly.
- Install the drivers using the one-line installation.
curl -sSL | bash
- Fixup the /boot/config.txt file to rotate the screen to landscape, and disable vc4-fkms-v3d dtbo.
- Add :rotate,touchscreen-swapped-x-y to the end of the first hyperpixel overlay line
- Comment out all dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d lines in the file
- Add a line display_lcd_rotate=3 at the end of the file
- Reboot.
The screen should come on and display a console if running buster-lite or a desktop if running full Raspian. - Run raspi-config and change the boot option to boot into console with autologin to pi user.
sudo raspi-config
# choose 3 Boot Options
# choose B1 Desktop/CLI
# choose B2 Console Autologin Text console, automatically logged in as 'pip' user
# choose <ok><finish> and reboot if prompted.
- Reboot if the raspi-config did not force it.
- Install git
sudo apt install git
- Clone this GitHub repository branch to your Pi:
git clone -b pi4
3.Run the installer:
cd hyperpixel4
sudo ./
sudo reboot now
- Set the boot options to boot into console using autologin for pi.
sudo raspi-config
# choose 3 Boot Options
# choose B1 Desktop/CLI
# choose B2 Console Autologin Text console, automatically logged in as 'pip' user
# choose <ok><finish> and reboot if prompted.
If you only get a black screen with the backlight on, chances are that i2c, spi, or i2s are enabled in the config.txt. They must be commented out for the solution to work. Pimoroni directly manages those capabilities from their driver.
- Follow the published instructions for installing OctoDash This will take a bit of time as it installs a big chunk of the X-windows system to acheived the desired environment.
bash <(wget -qO-
I could not get the Hyperpixel rotation commands to work in any of my testing. So by following these steps you will get it in the right direction. For landscape the display_lcd_rotate=3 provides orientation for power and video on the "lower" side. Use display_lcd_rotate=1 if you need the power/display on the "upper" side.
- Edit the /boot/config.txt (either on a host or from the console/ssh session)
- Add :rotate,touchscreen-swapped-x-y to the end of the first hyperpixel overlay line
- Add a line display_lcd_rotate=3 at the end of the file
- Comment out all dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d lines in the file
- reboot
**Hint: ** When first trying to figure out if the touch is oriented correctly, you can edit the ~pi/.bashrc file and comment out the "no_cursor" startup so that you get a cursor on the display. Then you can easily tell when the x and y are the correct direction, flipped, or inverted. To do this, change
if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -z "$SSH_TTY" ]; then xinit -- -nocursor fito:
if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -z "$SSH_TTY" ]; then xinit # -- -nocursor fi
With a little luck and perserverence you should have the OctoDash "Hey there!" fullscreen on your Hyperpixel display. |
**Hint: ** If you are setting up OctoDash without a keyboard attached to the pi, install xdotool. See for more information. This is especially useful for the API key where you can do something like: On your primary system open a page to OctoPrint and an ssh session to the pi. Copy the API key from the OctoPrint API settings and then paste it into the ssh command line.
# place the cursor in the api key text box and then run. xdotool mousemove 530 340 xdotool type DEADBEEF000ABCDEF98012
OctoPi Github -
OctoDash Github -
Pimoroni Github -
Relevant Issue: pimoroni/hyperpixel4#81
Pi4B 1G, 4G Raspian 4.7 kernel - Passed
Pi4B 1G, 4G Raspian 5.4 kernel - Failed using the Pimoroni fix at
Screen is operational, but in portrait mode. At this point waiting for rotation issues to be resolved.
Kudos to the Pimoroni team who have been in rapid response mode, working to get this resolved so quickly.