Smile at the world and it will smile back at you.
Just kidding, it won't.
- Date: November 23, 2023
- Desktop Environment: KDE Plasma 6
sudo pacman -S inter-font fish kitty oh-my-posh cava rmpc mpd cmatrix bpytop tmux ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
yay -S mpdris2
- Fish: Shell
- Kitty: Terminal
- Oh-my-posh: Prompt theme
- Cava: Music visualizer
- Rmpc: CLI music player
- MPD: Music player daemon
- Mpdris2: Music Player Daemon notification support
- Cmatrix: Matrix-like terminal rain visualizer
- Bpytop: htop-like CLI tool
- Tmux: Multiple shell sessions in one terminal
- Inter font: Upcoming default font of GNOME
- JetBrains Mono Nerd Font: User's favorite nerd font
- Wallpaper: Keep Smiling [3860x2140]
- Theme: Utterly Nord
- Icons: Cobalt-icons
- Cursor: Afterglow Cursors
- Colors: Ars-Nord Basically copy pasted Ars-Nord but changed background, titlebar, etc to #111111
- Panel Transparency Button (By esmperiod)
- Desktop Indicator
- Simple Application Launcher
- Right-click on Desktop → Enter Edit Mode → Add Panel → Empty Panel
- Set Panel Height: 38
- Customize further as needed.
- Drag the "Panel Transparency Button" widget to the panel.
- Hover over the widget and click Configure.
- Set shortcut: Ctrl + 7.
- Replace the indicator with a dot from the Nerd Fonts cheat sheet.
Indicator Dot Size: 32px Horizontal Spacing: 12px Vertical Spacing: 4px Indicator Style: Custom Active Dot: nf-oct-dot-fill Inactive Dot: nf-oct-dot
- Hover over the Simple Application Launcher icon after adding it to the panel.
- Right-click → Configure Simple Application Launcher → Icon → Choose.
- Search icons: kde-symbolic.
- Enable:
- Show Date: Always show beside time
- Time Display: 24 hours
- Configure:
- Show Seconds: Never
- Date Format: Custom
- Example:
MMM dd,
- Example:
- Text Display: Manual
- Font Style: Inter Extra Bold, 18pt
- Open Krunner (⌘ + Space or Alt + F2).
- Search: Kwin Scripts.
- Get new scripts → Search: Krohnkite → Install.
- Open terminal:
nano ~/.config/kwinrc
- Paste the following:
[Script-krohnkite] enableMonocleLayout=false enableSpiralLayout=false enableSpreadLayout=false enableStairLayout=false enableThreeColumnLayout=false ignoreClass=krunner,yakuake,spectacle,plasma-emojier,kded5,xwaylandvideobridge,plasmashell,ksplashqml monocleMaximize=false noTileBorder=true screenGapBottom=10 screenGapLeft=10 screenGapRight=10 screenGapTop=55 tileLayoutGap=10
- Open terminal:
nano ~/.config/kwinrc
- Paste the following:
[Effect-blur] BlurStrength=4 NoiseStrength=7
- Adjust settings:
- Corner Roundness Radius (active & inactive): 15.00
- Uncheck: Disable roundness on tile
- Primary Outline:
- Outline Thickness (active & inactive): 3.55
- Use Decoration Color: Link
- Uncheck: Disable outline on tile
- Install effect:
- Open Krunner (⌘ + Space or Alt + F2).
- Search: Desktop Effects.
- Get new effects → Search: Geometry Change.
- Install effect (same as Geometry Change).
Feel free to suggest improvements or submit pull requests.