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Kofax Transformation Automatic Documentation

This converts a Kofax Transformation Project file into a human readable and machine-diffable markdown file.
Each class is written to its own markdown file in the subfolder md of the project folder.
Useful for storing in GitHub and seeing script and config changes.

  • class structure, fields, tables, locator names
  • formatters, validation rules, dictionary and database names

not included yet

  • properties of locators, formatters, validation rules, databases and dictionaries.

Compatible with KTM, KTA and RPA.


  • Download Kofax Transformation Markdown.
  • Copy KT_Markdown.exe into your Project Folder.
  • Double-click KT_Markdown.exe.
  • Your markdown files will be created in the subfolder md in the project directory.
  • They can be viewed and diffed in Visual Studio Code or in GitHub.

Advanced Features

  • At commandline type KT_markdown.exe [fpr_filename] [outputfoldername]
KT_markdown.exe c:\temp\ktproject\


To compile into a standalone executable without any dlls do the following.

  • Meun Build/Publish Section.
  • Click Publish.
  • The version number increments itself.

Both parameters are optional. It works out what you mean.

1.0.4 (11 Sep 2023)

  • ScriptVariables.xml file is optional

1.0.3 (1 Aug 2023)

  • Fixed project scripts.
  • improved console logging.

1.0.2 (26 July 2023)

  • write scripts to separate .vb files.
  • delete old files if class name changes.
  • only update files if file changed. This preserves useful "Date Modified" on files in File System.
  • highlight default OCR profiles and Formatters with *.
  • Show field info in a table including thresholds.

1.0.1 (25 July 2023)

  • writes a .md for each class.
  • internal hyperlinks.
  • shows mappings from locators to fields.
  • shows subfields of locators