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Name pending. Practice rom for The Wind Waker (SD).


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The Wind Waker (SD) ROM hack to practice speedrunning.

Patch your ISO (JP) using the romhack-patcher application, which is included in our official releases.

⚠️ tww-gz is still in early development.
If you have questions or need help, ask in the #practice-rom-development channel of the Wind Waker Speedrunning Discord.


Use L + R + D-pad down to open the main menu which contains the following options:

cheats menu:
- infinite air                  // Always have max air
- infinite arrows               // Always have max arrows
- infinite bombs                // Always have max bombs
- infinite hearts               // Always have full hearts
- refill hearts                 // Hold R+D-pad right to refill health
- infinite magic                // Always have full magic
- refill magic                  // Hold L+D-pad up to refill magic
- infinite rupees               // Always have infinite rupees
- moon jump                     // Hold R+A to moon jump
- storage                       // Press D-pad right to get storage
- normal collision              // Hold L+D-pad down to get normal collision
- chest storage                 // Hold L+D-pad right to get chest storage
- door cancel                   // Hold L+D-pad left to get door cancel
- quarter heart                 // Hold R+D-pad left to reduce health to quarter heart
- fast movement                 // Hold D-pad left to get super speed
- upcharge                      // Hold X + Z to get negative speed for upcharge

flags menu:
- general flags menu		// Flags that are most relevant or important
- dungeon flags menu		// Flags related to dungeon collectables
- savewarp flags menu		// Flags related to savewarp locations (higher tiers take priortiy)
- tuner flags menu		// Flags related to tingle tuner

general flags menu:
- FF2 Helmaroc Cutscene       // Switches to animation set 2, among other things
- FF1 Gossip Stone Trigger    // Sets Pirate Ship to layer 2 (Ropes 2) and Outset to layer 4
- Endless Night		      // Activates Endless Night, incompatible with having Nayru's Pearl
- Raise ToTG                  // Raises Tower of the Gods
- Load ToTG After T2Z         // Sets FF3 Layer and F&I Arrows at Mother & Child
- Hyrule 3 Warp               // Opens golden warp to Hyrule 3
- Hyrule Barrier              // Barrier Skip skip
- Dark Portal                 // Opens dark portal between FF3 and Ganon's Tower
- Sea Chart                   // Gives the sea chart

dungeon flags menu:
- dungeon <"dungeon name">     // Change the dungeon being modified
- keys <"amount">	       // Modify the number of small keys
- boss key		       // Gives the boss key
- map                          // Gives the dungeon map
- compass                      // Gives the dungeon compass
- partner                      // Spawns Medli/Makar (ET/WT Only)

savewarp flags menu:
- Leaving Outset Cutscene                     // Sets savewarp location to Pirate Ship (Overworld Travelling)
- Tetra Text After Getting Spoils Bag	      // Sets savewarp location to Pirate Ship (At FF1)
- Barrel Launch Cutscene		      // Sets savewarp location to FF1
- Post FF1 KorL Cutscene                      // Sets savewarp location to Windfall, spawns KorL, and sets FoF to layer 2
- Enter KorL First Time                       // Sets savewarp location to most recent loaded area

tuner flags menu:
- Kooloo-Limpah 10s Balloon+Shield	      // Adds the 10s Balloon+Shield to the Kooloo-Limpah pool
- Tingle Balloon Discount                     // Gives Tingle Balloon Discount from 30 to 20 rupees
- Tings Discount                              // Gives 50 percent off discount for all tings
- Hand-Me-Down Tingle Tuner                   // Unlocks the Hand-Me-Down Tingle Tuner item in the tuner shop

inventory menu:
- amounts menu                  // Modify amounts for health, magic, etc.
- item inventory menu           // Modify item inventory menu
- quest status menu             // Modify quest status menu
- spoils menu                   // Modify spoils bag items/amounts
- delivery bag menu             // Modify delivery bag
- spoils bag menu               // Modify spoils bag
- bait bag menu                 // Modify bait bag
- charts menu                   // Modify all chart types

amounts menu:
- health                        // Modify the current health by quarter
- bombs                         // Modify the current bomb count
- arrows                        // Modify the current arrow count
- rupees                        // Modify the current rupee count
- magic                         // Modify the current magic amount
- heart pieces                  // Modify the current heart pieces collected

item inventory menu:
- Telescope                     // Add/remove telescope to/from inventory
- Sail                          // Add/remove sail to/from inventory
- Wind Waker                    // Add/remove wind waker to/from inventory
- Grappling Hook                // Add/remove grappling hook to/from inventory
- Spoils Bag                    // Add/remove spoils bag to/from inventory
- Boomerang                     // Add/remove boomerang to/from inventory
- Deku Leaf                     // Add/remove deku leaf to/from inventory
- Tingle Tuner                  // Add/remove tingle tuner to/from inventory
- Progressive Picto Box         // Add/remove/upgrade picto box
- Iron Boots                    // Add/remove iron boots to/from inventory
- Magic Armor                   // Add/remove magic armor to/from inventory
- Bait Bag                      // Add/remove bait bag to/from inventory
- Progressive Bow               // Add/remove/upgrade bow
- Bombs                         // Add/remove bombs to/from inventory
- Bottle 1                      // Add/remove bottle 1 to/from inventory
- Bottle 2                      // Add/remove bottle 2 to/from inventory
- Bottle 3                      // Add/remove bottle 3 to/from inventory
- Bottle 4                      // Add/remove bottle 4 to/from inventory
- Delivery Bag                  // Add/remove delivery bag to/from inventory
- Hookshot                      // Add/remove hookshot to/from inventory
- Skull Hammer                  // Add/remove skull hammer to/from inventory

quest status menu:
- Sword                         // Add/remove/upgrade sword
- Shield                        // Add/remove/upgrade shield
- Magic                         // Add/remove/upgrade magic
- Quiver                        // Add/remove/upgrade quiver
- Hurricane Spin                // Add/remove Hurricane Spin
- Hero's Clothes                // Add/remove Hero's Clothes
- Bomb Bag                      // Add/remove/upgrade bomb bag
- Power Bracelets               // Add/remove power bracelets from inventory
- Pirate's Charm                // Add/remove pirate's charm from inventory
- Hero's Charm                  // Add/remove hero's charm from inventory
- Wind's Requiem                // Add/remove wind's requiem from songs list
- Ballad of Gales               // Add/remove ballad of gales from songs list
- Command Melody                // Add/remove command melody from songs list
- Earth God's Lyric             // Add/remove earth god's lyric from songs list
- Wind God's Aria               // Add/remove wind god's aria from songs list
- Song of Passing               // Add/remove song of passing from songs list
- Din's Pearl                   // Add/remove din's pearl from inventory
- Farore's Pearl                // Add/remove farore's pearl from inventory
- Nayru's Pearl                 // Add/remove nayru's pearl from inventory
- Triforce Piece 1              // Add/remove triforce piece 1 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 2              // Add/remove triforce piece 2 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 3              // Add/remove triforce piece 3 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 4              // Add/remove triforce piece 4 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 5              // Add/remove triforce piece 5 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 6              // Add/remove triforce piece 6 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 7              // Add/remove triforce piece 7 from inventory
- Triforce Piece 8              // Add/remove triforce piece 8 from inventory

memory menu:
- memory editor menu            // View/edit memory
- watches menu                  // Manage memory watches

practice menu:
- any% no mss menu              // Load an any% no mss save
- any% menu			// Load an any% save (* for pg/sail skip saves)
- all dungeons saves	        // Load an all dungeons save

scene menu:
- modify wind direction         // Change the current wind direction 
- modify chart set              // Change current chart set of file
- modify current hour           // Change current hour
- modify current minutes        // Change current minute
- modify current date           // Change current date/moon phase

settings menu:
- cursor color                  // Change cursor color
- font                          // Change font
- drop shadows                  // Add shadows to all font characters
- item equip priorities         // Adjust priorities on item equips in practice saves
- save card                     // Save settings to memory card
- load card                     // Load settings from memory card
- delete card                   // Delete settings on memory card

tools menu:
- link debug info               // Display position and angle data for Link
- display time info             // Display current day, time and moon phase
- teleport                      // R+D-pad up to save position. R+D-pad down to load
- area reload                   // Reload the current room by pressing L + R + A + Start
- map select                    // Load Map Select by holding D-pad down + Y + Z
- zombie hover info             // Display A and B button presses per second
- input viewer                  // Show current inputs
- ess checker                   // Change input viewer stick color based on distance from perfect ess
- deadzone checker              // Change input viewer stick coor if stick is in deadzone
- intro skip                    // Skip lore segment of intro on start of new file

* - feature not implemented yet

Planned Features

- built-in practice saves for all remaining major speedrun categories
- scene flag editing for additions to flag menu
- any other epic stuff we think of by then


See to learn how to create local builds.


Credits to everyone involved in the making of tww-gz, this includes PK_Slam, CGF95, Glubbers_, TakaRikka, Luzagar, Macrepeh, and EJ125.

Taka deserves a special congratulations for the work done, providing us with the entire framework ported over from Twilight Princess' Practice Rom. Without Taka's help, this project would likely have never gotten off the ground.

And special thanks to TrogWW, for the work he's done previously on earlier renditions of the practice rom, and for all the work he's done for the Wind Waker community.

Thank you to the teams behind the Romhack Compiler and DevKitPro, without them this would not be nearly as readily possible as it is.

Thank you to the TPGZ dev team, who's work we were graciously allowed to use for the base of our own practice rom.

And finally, thank you to the Wind Waker community being so awesome.


Name pending. Practice rom for The Wind Waker (SD).







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  • C++ 95.1%
  • C 3.1%
  • Makefile 1.7%
  • Assembly 0.1%