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lakeFS Apache NiFi Processors and Services

LakeFS Nifi processors & services enables a smooth integration of lakeFS with Apache NiFi's data flows. "Use the lakeFS NiFi bundle to create branches, commit objects, wait for files to be written, and more."

For usage example, check out the [example NiFi data flow](to do).

What is lakeFS

lakeFS is an open source layer that delivers resilience and manageability to object-storage based data lakes.

With lakeFS you can build repeatable, atomic and versioned data lake operations - from complex ETL jobs to data science and analytics.

lakeFS supports AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage as its underlying storage service. It is API compatible with S3, and works seamlessly with all modern data frameworks such as Spark, Hive, AWS Athena, Presto, etc.

For more information see the official lakeFS documentation.


Commits API

LakeFS API Descritption NiFI Processor Status
commit commit to a branch CommitLakeFS implemented
getCommit fetch commit details for a given commit id FetchCommitLakeFS
(gets details for a given commit id into NiFi attributes)
getBranch+getCommit gets the latest commit id and it's details WaitCommitLakeFS
(waits for a commit to happen on the branch and transfers to the the success relationship

Branches API

LakeFS API Description NiFI Processor Status
listBranches list branches ListBranchLakeFS
(similar to ListFile - returns first all branches and then only new ones)
createBranch create branch CreateBranchLakeFS implemented
deleteBranch deletes a branch DeleteBranchLakeFS implemented
getBranch get branch details FetchBranchLakeFS
(returns branch details as NiFi attributes)
resetBranch reset changes on a branch n.a.
revertBranch revert commit for branch n.a.
cherryPick cherry-pick a ref n.a.
diffBranch get diff for a branch n.a.

Refs API

LakeFS API Descritption NiFI Processor Status
mergeIntoBranch merge references MergeLakeFS implemented
log_commits get commit log from ref FetchLogCommitsLakeFS
diffRefs diff two refs n.a.

Pull Request API

LakeFS API Description NiFI Processor Status
createPullRequest creates a pull request CreatePullRequestLakeFS implemented
mergePullRequest merges a pull request MergePullRequestLakeFS implemented
getPullRequest get details for a pull reqeust FetchPullRequestLakeFS implemented
listPullRequests list pull requests ListPullRequestLakeFS implemented
updatePullRequest update pull reqeust n.a.

Objects API

LakeFS API Descritption NiFI Processor Status
copyObject create a copy of an object CopyObjectLakeFS
deleteObject delete an object given a path relative to branch/ref DeleteObjectLakeFS
deleteObjects delete objects given a list of paths relative to branch/ref DeleteObjectLakeFS
getObject get an object at a path relative to branch/ref FetchObjectLakeFS implemented
listObjects list objects and its metadata at given ref prefix ListObjectLakeFS
(similar to ListFile)
uploadObject upload object at given path for ref prefix PutObjectLakeFS implemented
statObject fetch object's metadata at given ref prefix n.a.
getUnderlyingProperties get an object's storage class properties at a path relative to branch/ref. n.a.
headObject get object's existence at a path relative to branch/ref n.a.

Internal API

LakeFS API Descritption NiFI Processor Status
createSymlinkFile creates symlink files corresponding to the given directory CreateSymlinkFileLakeFS implemented


LakeFS support in Apache NiFi







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