Freely adapted from Yageek work at :
The idea was to have :
- A version that would be compatible with Spark for geographic data manipulation
- A native compatibility with SBT
A simple scala 2.11 library to convert Lambert Coordinates to GPS WGS84 coordinates based on the IGN alorithms and methods
- Install
- Compile with
sbt clean test package publishLocal
- You can now add the sbt dependency
libraryDependencies +="net.yageek" %% "lambert-scala"%"1.0"
to your Scala projects
The usage is mostly the same as the initial java version :
import net.yageek.lambert.ZoneCode._
val pt:LambertPoint = Lambert.convertToWGS84Deg(994272.661, 113467.422, new LambertZone(LambertI))
println("Point latitude:" + pt.getY() + " longitude:" + pt.getX())