These are all of my dotfiles. This works for me, it might not work for you. I suggest taking these configurations and tweaking them to work for you.
You should also totally watch me live on Twitch
- Ripgrep
- fzf
- Neovim
- tree-sitter
- ghostty
- git
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
Configuration only loads languages that are installed on the system. So should work out of the box.
- lua
- lua-language-server
- stylua
- java
- jdtls
- google-java-format
- neotest support
- go
- templ
- goimports
- gopls
- neotest support
- tailwind
- prettier
- tailwindcss-language-server
- html / css
- prettier
- emmet_ls
- html-lsp
- css-lsp
- javascript / typescript
- prettier
- eslint
- ts_ls
- svelte
- astro
- neotest support (jest and vitest)
- bash
- bashls
- docker
- dockerls
- json
- prettier
- jsonls
- cobol-language-support
- Fortran
- fortran-language-server
- findent (formatter)
- Ocaml
- ocaml-lsp
- ocamlformat
- Godot (gdscript)
- some setup required see instructions
- gdtoolkit (formatter and linter)
- C# (dotnet)
- omnisharp
- dotnet-format
- neotest support
To install my dotfiles run this command. It will backup any pre-existing dotfiles.
curl -Lks | /bin/bash
- bootstrap script auto install required software and dependencies