ProgressPulse is a web-based application developed as a part of Naan Mudhalvan course curriculum. The motto of the product is "Beyond the scope of academic evaluation". Our porduct evaluates the student not only using academic evaluation as a parameter, but also we have considered parameters which are crucial factors for the holistic outcome of the student. This product is intended for students pursuing their under-graduation, who are in their Sophomore, Pre-Final and Final year of their graduation. Our product also provides feedback to the student with the help of Interfaceless API, in order to reflect upon their progress and to enlighten their academic journey. I would like to extend my gratitudde to Naan Mudhalvan team and HCLTech for providing us this opportunity to develop the project. Also I am grateful to the student community who have taken the initiative to share their valuable data.
Note Points :
- The score of improvement might be possessing an error of 2.15 due to lack of response.
- The text-based response might possess other special charecters since the API which is linked to the Transformer model is being trained on the data previously provided in the website.