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ThemInspectors edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

Towny Hierarchy

Nomads: Nomads are simply people who do not belong to a town. They come equipped with their own set of permissions.

(Town) Residents: Residents are people who belong in a Town. They can but and sell plots and additionally they inherit the Nomad's permissions and get resident permissions.

Sheriffs: are people who can jail/unjail members of the town, not to exciting.

(Town) Assistants & Helpers: are just town ranks given by the Mayor they can do stuff that's set up in the townyperms.yml as all groups can.

Mayors: Are people who have complete control over the town (except admin things). they were the people who originally created the town or have somehow inherited the Mayor role. (Nation) Residents: Are inhabitants of a town that's inside of a nation they can use the permissions given to then in the config.

(Nation) Assistants & Helpers: Helpers can add towns to the nation Assistants can add the Helper rank add/remove towns and declare a ally/enemy

Kings: Are the owners of nations they can do anything that's in the plugin.yml for towny.command.nation.* Kings are also the Mayor of the capitol town

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