Node 20 seemingly breaks the way ESM loaders work and it is affecting my app. I've extracted the relevant part of the code base to this standalone repro for the Node maintainers to be able to review the changes in behavior that I observe between Node 19 and Node 20.
This repro follows at the heels of another ESM loader issue that I was facing before and is captured in nodejs/node#47566.
This issue was fixed in Node 20.1.0 and after switching to that patch version, I have started observing this new issue documented here.
The issue has to do with how Node applies ESM loaders to packages the app might be using, here demonstrated using Fastify and its auto-loader which discovers routes on the file system and loads them as Node modules.
In Node 19, the auto-loader is able to pick up on the fact that the routes are
in TypeScript and the ts-node/esm
loader is used to transpile them on the fly.
In Node 20, this behavior is not happening. The Fastify auto-loader attempts to load the files but the custom loader is not kicking in in this case and the TypeScript files are treated as JavaScript files and not auto-loaded.
That's my interpretation of things, anyway, I don't have Node the knowledge it would require to fully understand what's happening in the Node internals to make this work in Node 19 and not work in Node 20.
- Node: nodejs/node#47880
- Fastify:
I suspect this is a Node issue but I think it is in the realm of possibility that this is a Fastify issue or even if not, that they might be able to develop a workaround, so I've opened an issue with both Node and Fastify.
nvm install 20
to install Node 20node --version
to ensure Node version (I get 20.1.0)npm install
to install dependenciesnpm run test
to run thehealth.test.ts
Notice the test fails and Fastify's autoload
is seemingly not aware of the
option and attempts to load routes/health.ts
without TypeScript to
JavaScript conversion via ts-node/esm
npm run test
> [email protected] test
> node --loader=ts-node/esm --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --test health.test.ts
ℹ (node:95105) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time
ℹ (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
✖ should be alive (32.750836ms)
Error: "@fastify/autoload cannot import plugin at '/routes/health.ts'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app."
at findPlugins (/node_modules/@fastify/autoload/index.js:224:15)
at async autoload (/node-esm-loader-repro/node_modules/@fastify/autoload/index.js:35:22)
ℹ tests 1
ℹ suites 0
ℹ pass 0
ℹ fail 1
ℹ cancelled 0
ℹ skipped 0
ℹ todo 0
ℹ duration_ms 2208.335483
✖ failing tests:
✖ should be alive (32.750836ms)
Error: "@fastify/autoload cannot import plugin at 'routes/health.ts'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app."
at findPlugins (/node_modules/@fastify/autoload/index.js:224:15)
at async autoload (/node_modules/@fastify/autoload/index.js:35:22)
nvm install 19
to install Node 20node --version
to ensure Node version (I get 19.9.0)npm install
to install dependenciesnpm run test
to run thehealth.test.ts
Notice the test passes and Fastify's autoload
is inherit the --loader
and uses the ts-node/esm
loader successfully to auto-load routes/health.ts
npm run test
> [email protected] test
> node --loader=ts-node/esm --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --test health.test.ts
ℹ (node:95453) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time
ℹ (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
✔ should be alive (472.711395ms)
ℹ tests 1
ℹ suites 0
ℹ pass 1
ℹ fail 0
ℹ cancelled 0
ℹ skipped 0
ℹ todo 0
ℹ duration_ms 2679.742161