Welcome in repository storing custom licenses made by Toma400. This specific branch focuses on Baedoor licenses which cover specific chunk of Toma400's creations.
I made Baedoor Licenses to solve the problem of getting somewhere in between ARR and GNU/MIT licenses. The first one was too restrictive, meanwhile more open variants were too loose. Also, they all missed this individual touch I wanted for my things.
So, this is also why would you want to use those licenses: they try to give some freedom to user, while also preserving rights and credit, as ARR do.
You can use Baedoor Mod License freely, with possibly section 4 ommited, but any changes to the license (except typos) should be mentioned at the start of the document. This is so people know there are differences in original license.
Baedoor License has a bit hermetic use, so if you use it for things not being
Baedoor-related, you will need to modify it heavily, I'm afraid.
Again, in such case, I request you to notify the readers about that explicitly.
It is totally possible for you to use it, though, if you see purpose for it.